(January 30, 2014 at 5:04 pm)Alice Wrote: Which isn't to say there are not many 'internet feminists' who are not so blinded by their hatred. Unfortunately, I do not believe many of them could tolerate the status of primary feminism boards.
Oh, I fully agree. Sadly, their voices are often drowned out by the girls who are, screaming at the top of their lungs that a guy at the park was gonna rape her because he looked in her general direction.
And, I'll admit, some of that can be my fault and the fault of people outside feminism. I mean, which is going to draw more attention: Wendy Davis with a down-to-earth speech about defending womens right to choose or Anita Sarkesian telling everyone that Donkey Kong is a rape enabler. Crazy gets noticed.
Quote:Self-fulfilling prophecies are a significant part of that.
Also agreed. I think part of it is, whenever the victim did something that made the rape/attack/whatever more likely, you can't point any of those things out without being accused of victim blaming. Know what? When I was 8, I forgot to lock the front door one day when I left for school and then when we got home, we had been robbed. Was it victim blaming for my dad to yell at me for that? Or did I do something that legitimately made robbery more likely or easier?
Along the same vein, if a girl goes to a party with a bunch of people she doesn't know, does a lot of drugs and drinks booze that a stranger handed her, I'm not saying she deserves rape, but she needs to be aware that she's making it easier for a rapist to rape her. It would be nice if these girls would listen whenever we point these things out but, again, we just get dismissed as rape enablers or victim blamers or something.
Know what? I don't go to parties with people I don't know, I'm careful about who I make friends with, if I'm gonna drink, I'm around people I trust and I keep an eye on my drink. Know what else? I haven't been raped.
I live on facebook. Come see me there. http://www.facebook.com/tara.rizzatto
"If you cling to something as the absolute truth and you are caught in it, when the truth comes in person to knock on your door you will refuse to let it in." ~ Siddhartha Gautama
"If you cling to something as the absolute truth and you are caught in it, when the truth comes in person to knock on your door you will refuse to let it in." ~ Siddhartha Gautama