(January 17, 2014 at 4:06 pm)lweisenthal Wrote: .
Here's a challenge, which I'm sure that everyone will reject, a priori (but maybe not forever; just keep it at the back of your mind for possible future use).
This really isn't about me, personally, but I can use myself as an example. I was a pretty hard core secular agnostic most of my life. But I'm a cancer doctor and a health nut (haven't eaten red meat for 40 years; work out; etc.etc.). I was impressed by the studies indicating a longevity advantage to religion/spirituality with the population equivalent to curing all forms of cancer. I also developed a personal morality problem which was refractory to self-help.
I failed to find a challenge in what followed in that post but I gather that you are asking something like
"if it were possible to be happier, perhaps more stress-free and maybe even extend your life line by consciously endeavoring to believe in a religion/god .. would you do it?"
I may have that wrong but I couldn't find an unambiguous challenge in the part I hid. (Please do set me straight if needed.)
Anyway, I have no problem with you or anyone else adopting such a course if it pleases you to do it. I won't challenge your claims of increased happiness. If you say so, more power to you. But would I accept the challenge?
No. No big moral judgement here. I just have decided in my life that the desire to see clearly and understand as best I can is more important to me than a feeling of happiness. There is really very little I would sacrifice for increased happiness. For one thing I don't believe happiness is static or predictable or even measurable in any meaningful way. What works for you, given my dispositions would likely make me miserable.
But do go on out there and carpe some diem on your own terms. You've earned it. You've had a long life and profided much service to many people. So if it makes you happy, go for it. Is there anything else you want from us than to share something that has made you happy?