I was watching the debate between Christopher Hitchens and W. L. Craig yesterday. The topic was "does god exist". Craig presented 5 arguments. His 5th argument was something like:
Christians know god is real through the witnessing of the holy spirit. God talks to their hearts, and they know it's real and from god.
Or something like that. I think the easiest way to debunk a christian making that claim is to simply say to his/her face that he/she is full of shit, at best. At worst, schizophrenic. But much more likely full of shit.
However, I think a more polite, and perhaps more effective, argument would be: "well, you see, Muslims hear the voice of god. Jews hear the voice of god. Hindus hear the voice of their god(s). I'm sure the ancient Greeks felt that they could communicate on a personal level with their gods. They all had/have deep-seated inner convictions just as strong as yours. You can't ALL be hearing from god, so I'd reason that you're ALL wrong".
The only problem is that I've personally never heard any Muslims say Allah/Muhammad speaks to their spirit. I've never known a Hindu say their gods speak to them personally, or minister to their spirit. So, the point of my thread: are there sources, anecdotal or otherwise, that say the gods of other religions are talking/witnessing to their practitioners? Is it a tenant of Islam, for example, that Allah speaks to your spirit and gives you intense internal peace or some divine knowledge or whatever?
Do religions besides Christianity claim that their god(s) speak to them?
Christians know god is real through the witnessing of the holy spirit. God talks to their hearts, and they know it's real and from god.
Or something like that. I think the easiest way to debunk a christian making that claim is to simply say to his/her face that he/she is full of shit, at best. At worst, schizophrenic. But much more likely full of shit.
However, I think a more polite, and perhaps more effective, argument would be: "well, you see, Muslims hear the voice of god. Jews hear the voice of god. Hindus hear the voice of their god(s). I'm sure the ancient Greeks felt that they could communicate on a personal level with their gods. They all had/have deep-seated inner convictions just as strong as yours. You can't ALL be hearing from god, so I'd reason that you're ALL wrong".
The only problem is that I've personally never heard any Muslims say Allah/Muhammad speaks to their spirit. I've never known a Hindu say their gods speak to them personally, or minister to their spirit. So, the point of my thread: are there sources, anecdotal or otherwise, that say the gods of other religions are talking/witnessing to their practitioners? Is it a tenant of Islam, for example, that Allah speaks to your spirit and gives you intense internal peace or some divine knowledge or whatever?
Do religions besides Christianity claim that their god(s) speak to them?