*jumps in late*
I don't go to baptisms or confirmation. I abhor baptism, and there's no point in me attending a religious service I don't believe in.
However, I will go to weddings and funerals. It's a different matter entirely for me since they're not necessarily religious in the first place, and I just sit quietly for the religious parts and then celebrate or mourn with the people at the event.
I don't go to baptisms or confirmation. I abhor baptism, and there's no point in me attending a religious service I don't believe in.
However, I will go to weddings and funerals. It's a different matter entirely for me since they're not necessarily religious in the first place, and I just sit quietly for the religious parts and then celebrate or mourn with the people at the event.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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