So I never thought about it much, growing up in a christian home, never saw it, never noticed it. Guess I should'a been looking harder.
Remember the story of Lucifer, perhaps we got it wrong. Perhaps he wasn't evil. Perhaps he'd simply had enough of god being a bully, a jerk, an murder. Perhaps since before he became 'satan' there was no hell.
Maybe we got it wrong, maybe after Lucifer saw the mind games god was playing with adam (maybe Lucifer knew gods plan, perhaps god bragged about what was to happen)
Perhaps the story was changed to make him appear to be the bad guy (wouldn't be the first time someone spun an innocent person out to be evil)
Perhaps when he stood up to god, god being a bullying jerk fucked over Lucifer. Perhaps Lucifer was the good guy this entire time, and was punished for standing up . . .
After all god has been the one doing all the killing, satan is gods scapegoat, his fall man.
Remember the story of Lucifer, perhaps we got it wrong. Perhaps he wasn't evil. Perhaps he'd simply had enough of god being a bully, a jerk, an murder. Perhaps since before he became 'satan' there was no hell.
Maybe we got it wrong, maybe after Lucifer saw the mind games god was playing with adam (maybe Lucifer knew gods plan, perhaps god bragged about what was to happen)
Perhaps the story was changed to make him appear to be the bad guy (wouldn't be the first time someone spun an innocent person out to be evil)
Perhaps when he stood up to god, god being a bullying jerk fucked over Lucifer. Perhaps Lucifer was the good guy this entire time, and was punished for standing up . . .
After all god has been the one doing all the killing, satan is gods scapegoat, his fall man.