(May 26, 2014 at 7:33 pm)kılıç_mehmet Wrote: Whatever you say chief.
On the contrary, I am all for harmony between nations. But harmony can only be archived if all nations work towards the realization of their own national goals.
The left-oriented policies of the EU, have so far, only created anarchy, and the destruction of what the people in Europe deemed to be aspects of their culture and way of life.
And everyone's selfish national goals are going to be the furthering of their own agendas.
Did you learn nothing from the history Nazi Germany? How about the Soviet Union? How about human history through the ages?
Quote:As for democracy, democracy is just good business. Both for politicians, and voters.
Both politicians and voters are in it not for idealism, but for their personal agenda and profit.
No shit, Sherlock, it take you this long to figure out that human beings tend to have self-centered agendas? Yet you're talking about how we should focus on self-centered agendas on a national level, while bemoaning self-centered agendas on an individual one. Dude, you're almost as bipolar as I am.
Quote:I'd also say, that these elections show to me that people are not afraid of voting for a party that is "far-right" anymore.
Anymore? When have they EVER been afraid of voting for right-wing extremists? Those parties always get votes from the old, the brainwashed, and the mindless, no big surprise there.
It has nothing to do with ideologies, though, and you're an idealistic fool if you genuinely believe it so. All it takes for people to vote for the wrong guy is for the wrong guy to convince them that the guy in charge of them is a fuckup. How does he do that? Well all he needs is his opponent to not be utterly perfect in every single way, and as long as he puts the magnifying glass on that problem close enough, it'll look big enough to convince those with terrible vision that it's truly a huge problem, while the rest of us with glasses, contacts, or just good vision in general can actually see the distortion the magnifying glass causes to the original image.
Might I recommend coke-bottle glasses? You seem to need them.