The Christian purpose in life will never be fully understood ,until it no longer exists on planet earth.
Remove Christianity from off the earth and you will remove all that is sacred ,ethical , and of reason.
All that is of light and beauty would vanish ;all compassion ,culture and the arts would disappear.
Slowly mankind would revert back to a primitive existence as lived in the primal past and eventually man would return back to his life as bestial vegetation . Soon all life would disappear and the earth would once again mindlessly orbit the sun ,devoid of meaning or purpose.
Eventually all that we call civilized culture would vanish and be replaced by something resembling the pre-columbian aztec societies where humans were sacrificed and their hearts ripped out.
The Christian Faith is all that exists, separating modern man from pure barbarism, as practiced today by all the primitive savages throughout the world.
Remove Christianity from off the earth and you will remove all that is sacred ,ethical , and of reason.
All that is of light and beauty would vanish ;all compassion ,culture and the arts would disappear.
Slowly mankind would revert back to a primitive existence as lived in the primal past and eventually man would return back to his life as bestial vegetation . Soon all life would disappear and the earth would once again mindlessly orbit the sun ,devoid of meaning or purpose.
Eventually all that we call civilized culture would vanish and be replaced by something resembling the pre-columbian aztec societies where humans were sacrificed and their hearts ripped out.
The Christian Faith is all that exists, separating modern man from pure barbarism, as practiced today by all the primitive savages throughout the world.