Why does anyone have to pray? If your favorite deity knows what you need he should give it to you without you having to beg for it. If it's his will that you get it then he will give it to you without you begging for it. If he doesn't want you to have it then he will keep it from you.
As it says in Sirach 40:28 (CEB) = "My child, don’t live the life of a beggar; it’s better to die than to beg."
Praying is just begging. It's whining that your favorite deity's plans for you suck and that you want a better deal.
As it says in Sirach 40:28 (CEB) = "My child, don’t live the life of a beggar; it’s better to die than to beg."
Praying is just begging. It's whining that your favorite deity's plans for you suck and that you want a better deal.