(August 1, 2014 at 3:44 pm)Welsh cake Wrote: To be resurrected, glorified beyond comprehension, seated at the right hand of the creator of reality. Is. Not. A. Sacrifice.To be beaten to a bloody pulp with glass shard whips, having His forehead shredded by twisted needles, and left hanging from metal spikes driven through your wrists for a crowd of people that could give a shit...JUST BECAUSE HE LOVES THEM.
Only an insensitive and ungrateful douche-bag like you would say that's not a sacrifice.
Moreover, you seem to forget that He sacrificed, meaning gave up completely, every single earthly desire to indulge in sin. Whereas I bet a lamebrain like you couldn't stop stroking your own prick, much less your ego, for less than 5 minutes.