(August 1, 2014 at 8:14 pm)ChadWooters Wrote:(August 1, 2014 at 3:44 pm)Welsh cake Wrote: To be resurrected, glorified beyond comprehension, seated at the right hand of the creator of reality. Is. Not. A. Sacrifice.To be beaten to a bloody pulp with glass shard whips, having His forehead shredded by twisted needles, and left hanging from metal spikes driven through your wrists for a crowd of people that could give a shit...JUST BECAUSE HE LOVES THEM.
Only an insensitive and ungrateful douche-bag like you would say that's not a sacrifice.
Moreover, you seem to forget that He sacrificed, meaning gave up completely, every single earthly desire to indulge in sin. Whereas I bet a lamebrain like you couldn't stop stroking your own prick, much less your ego, for less than 5 minutes.
Now we're cooking. So the sacrifice was giving up sin during life? I was taught that Jesus' sinlessness was necessary, but not that giving up sin was part of his sacrifice. Do you have any Bible verses to support that notion?
And he got some pretty cool compensation for not sinning. Having the heavens open up and god announce he likes you is pretty good. And then there's the ability to do miracles. The ability to raise the dead and walk on water would be cool.
Side note: I don't think that being without sin in the sense the Jesus was supposed to have been is possible for a human. The very idea that he could do it suggests he was not human at all--especially if thought crimes are included. And I'm not really sure he managed it even if you take the Biblical account as accurate. He may have obeyed all the negative requirements, i.e. the do-nots, but he sure failed at "be fruitful and multiply." Come to think of it he may not have managed honor thy father and mother all that well. If lying by omission or equivocation is a sin, he failed there too as he just plain tells the disciples that I speak in parables so that the masses won't get it, but here let me tell you the real truth. And if thought crimes count then the pleading at Gethsemane was probably a sin too. Certainly he was arrogant from time to time.
If there is a god, I want to believe that there is a god. If there is not a god, I want to believe that there is no god.