All's simple facts. I have not heard of one single historian disagreeing with that premise. They compared all the wars throughout history and shifted through the damages those wars caused and the rationale for those wars being waged. If you're trying to gain moral high ground over the religious, you're going about it the wrong way.
It's logical because religion has an incentive for people to agree with staying in line lacking in non-religious societies. A fear of damnation does a lot to incentivize the people to follow suit.
Who says homosexuality is not a choice? You just live in a society that frowns upon homosexuality. "Oh no, a few Moslems kill people, so I am going to be a hick towards them all regardless of who they are." Remind me how you are different than those Fundies you people like to whine about... Less stupid? No. Less culturally ignorant? No. Less stereotypically American? No.
You can be an extremist regardless of your religious beliefs. Many of the extremists out there aren't even religious. The comment about the ISIS was about how easily cajoled and conned you can be into doing the evil bidding of come off as one who would be easy to manipulate as in a cult. Your extremism is your inability to stop acting like a warhawk Yank like those Southerners with signs like "The South will Rise Again", yee haw.
It's logical because religion has an incentive for people to agree with staying in line lacking in non-religious societies. A fear of damnation does a lot to incentivize the people to follow suit.
Who says homosexuality is not a choice? You just live in a society that frowns upon homosexuality. "Oh no, a few Moslems kill people, so I am going to be a hick towards them all regardless of who they are." Remind me how you are different than those Fundies you people like to whine about... Less stupid? No. Less culturally ignorant? No. Less stereotypically American? No.
You can be an extremist regardless of your religious beliefs. Many of the extremists out there aren't even religious. The comment about the ISIS was about how easily cajoled and conned you can be into doing the evil bidding of come off as one who would be easy to manipulate as in a cult. Your extremism is your inability to stop acting like a warhawk Yank like those Southerners with signs like "The South will Rise Again", yee haw.
But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.