Fuck labels, you do not need a fucking political word to understand reality. "Anarchism" is still a bullshit word because it is merely a label that no matter what like anything humans do, can be subject to utopia bullshit to the point of abuse like any other label
1. Humans are diverse, thus government has to accept and protect that diversity.
2. GOVERNMENT will happen, to say it shouldn't exist or that we can police ourselves without it is ABSURD.
3. AND MOST IMPORTANT, is a ban on monopolies of power, be they political, religious or business, public or private.
YOU DO NOT need to us a fucking label to state our natural human behavior. You simply cannot slap a simple label on a complex species. One size does not fit all so the only thing you can do is protect people from monopolies of power.
"Government is a class of its own".
NO government is not the enemy, the enemy is when WEALTH gains a monopoly in any sector of society. Humans run everything, and everything humans run require money to gain power. Private and public, religious or political, to gain power all collect money and use it to get power.
There is not one government in the world, that does not invest in the global market. The issue is not more government vs no government, or no private sector. The issue is monopolies of power by any sector of society because all require money to keep and maintain.
1. Humans are diverse, thus government has to accept and protect that diversity.
2. GOVERNMENT will happen, to say it shouldn't exist or that we can police ourselves without it is ABSURD.
3. AND MOST IMPORTANT, is a ban on monopolies of power, be they political, religious or business, public or private.
YOU DO NOT need to us a fucking label to state our natural human behavior. You simply cannot slap a simple label on a complex species. One size does not fit all so the only thing you can do is protect people from monopolies of power.
"Government is a class of its own".
NO government is not the enemy, the enemy is when WEALTH gains a monopoly in any sector of society. Humans run everything, and everything humans run require money to gain power. Private and public, religious or political, to gain power all collect money and use it to get power.
There is not one government in the world, that does not invest in the global market. The issue is not more government vs no government, or no private sector. The issue is monopolies of power by any sector of society because all require money to keep and maintain.