I wonder what these idiots expect to be done with extra in vitro embryos? It seems members of the flock have no compunction violating doctrine regarding in vitro fertilization (I understand that this doesn't apply to all denominations). God's method doesn't work, man figures out how to otherwise honor the fruitful/multiply command and men obsessed with controlling women's reproductive capacity lose their shit. I don't think Christian leaders taking this stance have fully thought this through.
If IV fertilization is against God's will, does God reluctantly imbue IV embryos with souls? This would mean human action dictates God's activity.
A way around this would be to claim that all humans born via IV fertilization are soulless, making the threat of eternal torment impossible and this method of crowd controlling religious adherence impossible. I'll just assume nobody makes this claim.
Another consideration is that God had always known that IV fertilization was to be and was part of his grand plan; in which case, its prohibition seems a little ridiculous.
If IV fertilization is against God's will, does God reluctantly imbue IV embryos with souls? This would mean human action dictates God's activity.
A way around this would be to claim that all humans born via IV fertilization are soulless, making the threat of eternal torment impossible and this method of crowd controlling religious adherence impossible. I'll just assume nobody makes this claim.
Another consideration is that God had always known that IV fertilization was to be and was part of his grand plan; in which case, its prohibition seems a little ridiculous.