Israel is stolen land. Stolen from one theocracy to make a different theocracy. After WW2, why weren't the jews simply reinstated into the countries they already lived in, like Germany and Poland etc, with full equal citizen rights and their property returned. That would have been kind of reasonable. Going to some other country though, stealing their land, and giving it to some people who weren't even born there, is so fucking stupid, that of course it took religion to make the people accept it as something good. Fucking morons. Time to dump all the theocracy there, and replace it with modern secular laws that treat everyone fairly no matter what their nonbeliefs/beliefs are.
I'm really shitty at giving kudos and rep. That's because I would be inconsistent in remembering to do them, and also I don't really want it to show if any favouritism is happening. Even worse would be inconsistencies causing false favouritisms to show. So, fuck it. Just assume that I've given you some good rep and a number of kudos, and everyone should be happy...