RE: Existence of Israel is fulfillment of Biblical prophesies
July 1, 2010 at 6:28 pm
(This post was last modified: July 1, 2010 at 6:29 pm by Oldandeasilyconfused.)
Quote:He was descended from David because Mary was a descendant of David.
Thats is an unsubstantiated Christian claim,just like every claim made about Jesus, his family and his life,including his historical existence.
Ther are no contemporary accounts about Jesus . The earliets written accounts are from the [probablty at least two writers] called Saul. Ther earliest Gospel,that of Mark was writen 20 years later at the earliest,in relatively crude Greek. Jesus and followers allegedly spoke Aramaic. It's unlikely any of them were literate in Greek (or Hebrew for that matter)
The books by anonymous authors known collectively as the 'New Testament' are myth, not reliable historical accounts of anything. Historical accounts in the New Testament are often garbled or have been simply invented.EG Herod's massacre of the innocents, the Roman census, the description of the birh of Jesus, the flight to Egypt,and Jesus' descent from the Davidic line are all inventions..
Because they completely misunderstood prophecy for the Messiah in the Torah,later Christian writers invented a backstory about Jesus to try to make him fit prophecy. The inventions included evreything surrounding his birth,family and ancestry.
If you thinK I'm being unfair, have a look at the Jewish interpretation of prophecy and some of the specifics Christians ignore: EG the Messiah MUST be a warrior king in the Davidic tradition. He MUST NOT DIE.
I'm not claiming you're wrong or that the jews are wrong as I don't know the truth either.(although I don't believe in prophecy or other forms of fortune telling) I'm questioning assertions of fact unsupported by evidence. I am unable to accept the Bible as anything more than the mythology of the Abrahamic faiths.