There is a strong negative correlation. Although many teachers go out of their way to tiptoe around religious concepts. Unless you have something that they have to address directly (like the age of the earth) they will avoid it.
I think there's probably something else going on. Did you do your internships? Build connections via your professors and advisor? Join professional societies? Have career services look over your resume? Or is your field just one that isn't in high demand? Saying a college grad is un-hirable is simply WRONG. Perhaps the people you've come across are dicks, but the people I've spoken to have been more than eager to scoop up new grads.
Quote:When they talked about the skill shortage part, that's God's honest truth man exit university, you have NO SKILLS, you are UN-HIRABLE. It's as true as 2 + 2 = 4. If I had to base my evaluation of whether or not the Watchtower is the word of God on that one phrase alone, I would be a witness...
I think there's probably something else going on. Did you do your internships? Build connections via your professors and advisor? Join professional societies? Have career services look over your resume? Or is your field just one that isn't in high demand? Saying a college grad is un-hirable is simply WRONG. Perhaps the people you've come across are dicks, but the people I've spoken to have been more than eager to scoop up new grads.