I left mormonism, had been depressed two years before then, and when I left things got worse.
Anyone else experienced this?
Anyone ever felt so insecure and empty after leaving an extremist dogma?
I think, especially in the case of mormonism, the practitioner of any serious sect has to sacrifice their identity for the sake of the church. For someone who has mental health issues, this creates another bag of problems to heals.
Just a thought.
Religion is poison.
I don't blame it, I take responsibility for my own fate and emotions, but I think things would be easier without the dogmatic variable of absolute servitude.
Anyone else experienced this?
Anyone ever felt so insecure and empty after leaving an extremist dogma?
I think, especially in the case of mormonism, the practitioner of any serious sect has to sacrifice their identity for the sake of the church. For someone who has mental health issues, this creates another bag of problems to heals.
Just a thought.
Religion is poison.
I don't blame it, I take responsibility for my own fate and emotions, but I think things would be easier without the dogmatic variable of absolute servitude.
"Just call me Bruce Wayne. I'd rather be Batman."