The god that was completely misunderstood (Part 3)
So he returned to his troublesome little universe and gave it a good close look, whatever that may mean to someone who already knows it all. There was serious trouble to be expected with this one. For one thing he could smell from afar that its inhabitants, let's call the bastards humans for Pete's sake, would falsely think that this universe was made with them in mind. Of course this was a far cry from truth, since they were not taking into account the 10 to the tenth to the tenth power other universes that he disposed of. Another thing he noticed was that humans would worship him, the creator of their universe, without ever contacting him! If they could have, they would find that just as the creator of a watch is free to abondon a watch on the beach, he didn't give a fuck. These universes are just a way to kill time, nothing else. Eternity is a long wait, you know. So despite all of theology, teleology is out of the window. Also he found that vast numbers of those humans would attribute moral guidance to him. Duh, can't they think for themselves?? Morals and gods just don't mix very well. Who needs the restraints of morals when eternity just waits there to play out all possible immoralities infinitely many times? He should not generalize them though. A guy named Plato understood it very well and seriously tried to put it into words in a piece called Euthyphro.
Of course Dicky could have decided right there on the spot to put an end to that horrible nightmare of a universe that he had created, but somehow he hesitated. He hesitated because ending it would mean immediate return to eternal boredom. And suspended in that (actually pretty common) dilemma that creators now and again experience he left us be...completely clueless.
>> to be continued by whoever feels like it
So he returned to his troublesome little universe and gave it a good close look, whatever that may mean to someone who already knows it all. There was serious trouble to be expected with this one. For one thing he could smell from afar that its inhabitants, let's call the bastards humans for Pete's sake, would falsely think that this universe was made with them in mind. Of course this was a far cry from truth, since they were not taking into account the 10 to the tenth to the tenth power other universes that he disposed of. Another thing he noticed was that humans would worship him, the creator of their universe, without ever contacting him! If they could have, they would find that just as the creator of a watch is free to abondon a watch on the beach, he didn't give a fuck. These universes are just a way to kill time, nothing else. Eternity is a long wait, you know. So despite all of theology, teleology is out of the window. Also he found that vast numbers of those humans would attribute moral guidance to him. Duh, can't they think for themselves?? Morals and gods just don't mix very well. Who needs the restraints of morals when eternity just waits there to play out all possible immoralities infinitely many times? He should not generalize them though. A guy named Plato understood it very well and seriously tried to put it into words in a piece called Euthyphro.
Of course Dicky could have decided right there on the spot to put an end to that horrible nightmare of a universe that he had created, but somehow he hesitated. He hesitated because ending it would mean immediate return to eternal boredom. And suspended in that (actually pretty common) dilemma that creators now and again experience he left us be...completely clueless.
>> to be continued by whoever feels like it
"I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped, in the blinding headlights of vacuous crap" - Tim Minchin in "Storm"
Christianity is perfect bullshit, christians are not - Purple Rabbit, honouring CS Lewis
Faith is illogical - fr0d0
Christianity is perfect bullshit, christians are not - Purple Rabbit, honouring CS Lewis
Faith is illogical - fr0d0