RE: 'Drich, which of the millions of different christian denominations goes to Heaven?'
January 19, 2015 at 11:00 am
Quote:Afterwards he returned to 7th SFG(A), and between 2006-2009 LTC Greata was a Plans Officer, Company Commander, Battalion S3, and Group S3 / Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan Deputy Operations Officer. In these positions he was primarily responsible for planning, training, and executing Battalion and Group combat deployments to Afghanistan.
OK, for one thing, it was calling him an LTC when he graduated from military academy, which means they are referring to his PRESENT rank, and not his rank at the time. It lists his positions as Plans -> Company -> Battalion -> Group. You wanna know why? Because that is the route of promotions he went through. From Plans (typically an XO position of 1st Lt.) to Company (Captain) to Battalion (LTC) to Group (LTC with additional security clearance and special duties, typical of officers working SOG). It stated he graduated from MA in 1994. You don't become an LTC right out of academy. Highest rank you will be when you leave is a 1st Lt. and far more often cadets leave as 2nd Lt. It takes ~15 years of service overall before you are eligible to become an LTC. Meaning he couldn't have become an LTC until 2009. Meaning he couldn't have been an LTC and a company commander, you fucking idiot. In 1999 he was a company XO; a 1st Lt. By 2006, he would've been A CAPTAIN. A COMPANY RANK. By 2009, he would've achieved his rank as an O-5, A BATTALION COMMANDER. It lists his responsibilities of command chronologically.
Quote:Where are you guys getting this? Where did I say chaplains come out in fire fights?
Quote:not one of the men in his company refused the chaplain when they were under fire.
Getting twisted all up in your lies that you're forgetting when you made 'em, eh?