Do you want me to explain a perfectly natural way you found that verse? It's not an automatic truth of the world but, unlike certain groups I don't claim to know everything.
Your mind is more powerful that you think, and can process immense ammounts of information. You going to that verse was no different from me grabbing my D&D book and thinking "I really need to remember that rule about acrobatics checks" and flipping right to that page. OR me yelling 15 as I roll and landing on a 15 with my die.
You can subconsiously predict a baseballs flight path, determining exactly the ammount of force you need to put into it at exactly which angle to get it directly into the catchers mit.
You can do complex mathematics in seconds, listen to several conversations at once and interpret an absolutely amazing ammount of signals from all five of your senses.
With all this is it really THAT surprising you were able you find a verse that was somehow related to what was going on in your head?
And I didn't even touch the fact that a personfinds patterns even if there are none. You could have found pretty much ANY verse and found SOME relevance. Astrolology proves this but, I'll leave this reply for another poster.
Your mind is more powerful that you think, and can process immense ammounts of information. You going to that verse was no different from me grabbing my D&D book and thinking "I really need to remember that rule about acrobatics checks" and flipping right to that page. OR me yelling 15 as I roll and landing on a 15 with my die.
You can subconsiously predict a baseballs flight path, determining exactly the ammount of force you need to put into it at exactly which angle to get it directly into the catchers mit.
You can do complex mathematics in seconds, listen to several conversations at once and interpret an absolutely amazing ammount of signals from all five of your senses.
With all this is it really THAT surprising you were able you find a verse that was somehow related to what was going on in your head?
And I didn't even touch the fact that a personfinds patterns even if there are none. You could have found pretty much ANY verse and found SOME relevance. Astrolology proves this but, I'll leave this reply for another poster.