(February 17, 2015 at 9:44 pm)Pyrrho Wrote: That is the Christian god's idea of justice. People who had nothing to do with a crime are condemned because of the crime. I did not get my chance in the garden of eden. Did you?
Hi Pyrrho only if you don't forgive the conditions we inherit from the past,
does it become a "new sin" of "unforgiveness" and the pattern repeats.
ie people who come from abusive families can repeat the cycle
or can forgive and go through recovery/healing to break out of that cycle.
people brought up in warring conditions can inherit hatred passed down
from Hindus vs Muslims, or Black vs. White, or Palestinians vs. Jews.
Or people can choose to forgive both sides and break out of the pattern.
We don't have to accept the conditions we are born under.
But these still affect us and bias us, even if we become aware
and choose NOT to repeat these patterns.
This is like how Buddhism taught that the mind could be liberated
from caste like conditions that other religions were teaching were
"set for life" once you were born under that karma.
That is why Christianity teaches Forgiveness in order NOT to keep repeating and passing down the same sin. Jesus and the sacrifice/redemption is used to symbolize this process, but each
person has to go through their own version of it, depending on
what your burdens you carry in this life that you end up having
to forgive in order to be freed from the effects of past conditions
(which Christians call sin, Buddhists call karma, others call racism,
biases, etc. that all human inherit from either nature or nurture).
the point of the Bible is there is a HAPPY ending to this,
and it isn't eternal suffering under an endless cycle of sin passed down.
By forgiveness we break the cycle and are set free.
It is only unforgiveness that keeps the cycle repeating endlessly
causing eternal suffering or hell. the point of Christ is to break that cycle,
for all humanity, when each person makes the break on the side of recovery, forgives the past and lives free of that negative conditioning.