Mr Agenda,
First I didn't inject supernatural into the discussion Salesman did. I believe it is a term used to describe something that can't happen unless it does happen in which case we move the goalposts and call it natural. I'll give an example not that it matters 200 years ago the notion of time dilation would be classified a supernatural event. But since we discovered time dilation occurs its natural.
I didn't inject supernatural, disembodied mind, or anything about worship or religion into this discussion.
The point is mind can create virtual universe. I guess this is the best you do.
It would mean the universe was created by a sentient being and the theistic model in that case would be correct.
You mean like injecting supernatural, disembodied mind and worship into the discussion?
I'm not going to engage in empty speculation. In the thread the case for theism I laid out facts that support the contention our universe is designed. Why don't you make a case for why you believe mindless lifeless forces without plan or intent wound up creating a universe in which life and sentience occurred? Then undecided folks can read our respective cases and make up their own minds.
Saleman was implying that because up to this point the universe and all in it can be explained by an appeal to natural causes that is evidence the cause of the universe is natural (No God or Creator necessary). I refuted that by pointing out things known to be created by mind (Note I never injected disembodied in to the conversation) can also be explained by the laws of physics. Therefore it offers no such evidence.
Such as? Make your case...
I didn't know that asserting your belief is a substitute for evidence. Again I didn't use the word supernatural its just a canard. Do you know how natural forces came into existence? Did they always exist? Were they caused or uncaused? There must have been some significant scientific breakthroughs since I last wrote in here. Would you share them please? I'd like to be informed. You already know the answer to the question we've been debating I guess your playing coy.
That assumes the Creator is omnipotent. I haven't argued such you're still injecting theology into this discussion. Whether omnipotent or not, a Creator isn't compelled to create a universe in which people can exist in the sun. On the other hand there is nothing to compel mechanistic forces to exist in the first place let alone without plan or intent cause a universe that causes life and mind to exist.
Drew_2013 Wrote: For instance we could shoehorn the belief that mindless forces always existed or poofed into existence uncaused out of nothing kind of like magic and point to the existence of the universe that is what happened. The reason we could shoehorn these possible explanations is because the existence of the universe does demand some explanation and one of those three explanations is probably right.
1. The universe was intentionally caused and designed by a personal agent or Creator commonly referred to as God.
2. Mindless forces always existed in some form or another and over time (even if time didn't always exist) became the universe we now observe.
3. Mindless forces materialized out of nothing uncaused and turned into the universe we now observe.
We could shoehorn them all in because 'universe exists' supports each of them equally.
Excellent. Then all three possible explanations can site the existence of the universe as evidence. I suspect most of your fellow atheists would deny all three of them are equally supported by the existence of the universe especially the first one.
One of the most common arguments offered by atheists to justify their non-belief is the notion there is no evidence, not a shred, not a smidgen not one iota that a Creator (God) exists. I would say this is a foundational sacrosanct doctrine of atheism.
I'd be happy to be corrected point me to some atheists who agree there is evidence in favor of theism.
Whether facts presented favor one explanation over another is in the eye of the beholder or the trier of facts. The fact of the existence of the universe alone leaves the other explanations just as viable. A circumstantial case is made of several facts which then corroborate one another. I have offered 4 other facts in addition to the existence of the universe which support the theistic hypothesis.
You're still confusing evidence with proof. Even if some conclusion is shown to be false the facts that comport with the false conclusion don't become non-evidence. We know the earth is round because a tremendous preponderance of evidence overwhelms the belief the earth is flat. That doesn't negate the fact that from my window the earth looks flat. That is still evidence in favor of that belief. Its just wrong but it doesn't become non-evidence. If what you say is true...are you now going to say the existence of the universe is not evidence
2. Mindless forces always existed in some form or another and over time (even if time didn't always exist) became the universe we now observe.
3. Mindless forces materialized out of nothing uncaused and turned into the universe we now observe
that either of those possibilities is true?
I have already cited 4 other lines of evidence that impartial unbiased folks can decide for themselves who made the better case.
2. The existence of life.
3. The existence of intelligent life
4. The fact the laws of physics exist, that they are knowable uniform and explicable by formulas and math.
5. The fact the laws of physics are in an extremely narrow band that not only allow but caused the existence of stars, galaxies, solar systems planets and the aforementioned life.
Of course its in the eye of the beholder but these last four lines of evidence support the Creator God hypothesis over the
2. Mindless forces always existed in some form or another and over time (even if time didn't always exist) became the universe we now observe.
3. Mindless forces materialized out of nothing uncaused and turned into the universe we now observe
Quote:If only we had an example of something supernatural, that question might have an answer. As it is, saying 'the supernatural' created the universe is a lot like saying 'fizbinali' created the universe. It's a term without a referent to anything that can be demonstrated to actually exist. Until a 'supernatural' cause for something is discovered, 'natural' is all we've got, and it would be stupid to think a supernatural cause is finally the case when it's been natural causes all the way down up to this point.
First I didn't inject supernatural into the discussion Salesman did. I believe it is a term used to describe something that can't happen unless it does happen in which case we move the goalposts and call it natural. I'll give an example not that it matters 200 years ago the notion of time dilation would be classified a supernatural event. But since we discovered time dilation occurs its natural.
Quote:You're right I don't have mere evidence that mind can produce a universe...I have proof. Sentient humans beings with the use of computer technology can and have produced virtual universes.
So you weren't talking about a disemboided mind acting with no technological appartatus. It's conceivable our universe is such a simulation, if that's the case, who do you worship? The person who designed the program or the person who pressed 'start universe'? And what is it that makes them worthy of your worship? I presume that if you don't consider one of these virtual universe designer people to be worthy of worship just for creating our 'virtual' universe, that you don't consider your proposed Creator worthy of worship just for creating the universe, either.
I didn't inject supernatural, disembodied mind, or anything about worship or religion into this discussion.
Quote:Plus, they need computers that are the result of generation upon generation of technological evolution.
The point is mind can create virtual universe. I guess this is the best you do.
Quote:Conceivably, we may have already done so by accident in a super-collider. Does that make the person responsible the God of that universe? Do they have to share credit with the giants upon whose shoulders they stood? On the technicians who actually built the apparatus? Or does universe creation alone not qualify one to be considered a Creator God?
It would mean the universe was created by a sentient being and the theistic model in that case would be correct.
Quote:If you recognize that is not exactly cricket, I hope you bear it in mind going forward.
You mean like injecting supernatural, disembodied mind and worship into the discussion?
Quote:What characteristics about the universe would be different if a mind did not create it? How do you know?
I'm not going to engage in empty speculation. In the thread the case for theism I laid out facts that support the contention our universe is designed. Why don't you make a case for why you believe mindless lifeless forces without plan or intent wound up creating a universe in which life and sentience occurred? Then undecided folks can read our respective cases and make up their own minds.
Quote:Correct me if I'm wrong but I assume by natural explanations you mean we can explain how something works and functions by appealing to the laws of physics. The reasoning then being that if something can be explained by natural laws no mind or supernatural agent is required. What about things we know to be designed and created by mind? Like a car or a computer.
What about them? We know them to be designed and built by (embodied) minds. That is what distinguishes them from everything else. You seem to be claiming that the quality that they have that distinguishes them from the natural world around them, their artificiality, implies that the natural world is also artificial. That conclusion not only does not follow, it blurs the line between artificial and natural to the point that each term loses its meaning.
Saleman was implying that because up to this point the universe and all in it can be explained by an appeal to natural causes that is evidence the cause of the universe is natural (No God or Creator necessary). I refuted that by pointing out things known to be created by mind (Note I never injected disembodied in to the conversation) can also be explained by the laws of physics. Therefore it offers no such evidence.
Quote:You'll have to clarify...what is it about mindless lifeless forces that would lead you to believe if they some how came into existence they would subsequently without plan or intent or a degree in engineering create a universe with exacting laws of nature that would subsequently produce something utterly unlike and mind?
Because all the available physical evidence points in that direction.
Such as? Make your case...
Quote:There is only one kind of universe that does NOT require a 'supernatural' explanation for our existence. The kind of universe we find ourselves in.
I didn't know that asserting your belief is a substitute for evidence. Again I didn't use the word supernatural its just a canard. Do you know how natural forces came into existence? Did they always exist? Were they caused or uncaused? There must have been some significant scientific breakthroughs since I last wrote in here. Would you share them please? I'd like to be informed. You already know the answer to the question we've been debating I guess your playing coy.
Quote:An omnipotent being or even a virtual world designer is not limited to one kind of universe in order to have life in it. Either could have humans living in the interior of suns if they so desired. The parameters of the universe being conducive to life is not a consideration at all for an omnipotent creator.
That assumes the Creator is omnipotent. I haven't argued such you're still injecting theology into this discussion. Whether omnipotent or not, a Creator isn't compelled to create a universe in which people can exist in the sun. On the other hand there is nothing to compel mechanistic forces to exist in the first place let alone without plan or intent cause a universe that causes life and mind to exist.
Drew_2013 Wrote: For instance we could shoehorn the belief that mindless forces always existed or poofed into existence uncaused out of nothing kind of like magic and point to the existence of the universe that is what happened. The reason we could shoehorn these possible explanations is because the existence of the universe does demand some explanation and one of those three explanations is probably right.
1. The universe was intentionally caused and designed by a personal agent or Creator commonly referred to as God.
2. Mindless forces always existed in some form or another and over time (even if time didn't always exist) became the universe we now observe.
3. Mindless forces materialized out of nothing uncaused and turned into the universe we now observe.
We could shoehorn them all in because 'universe exists' supports each of them equally.
Excellent. Then all three possible explanations can site the existence of the universe as evidence. I suspect most of your fellow atheists would deny all three of them are equally supported by the existence of the universe especially the first one.
One of the most common arguments offered by atheists to justify their non-belief is the notion there is no evidence, not a shred, not a smidgen not one iota that a Creator (God) exists. I would say this is a foundational sacrosanct doctrine of atheism.
Quote:Because you can't make it three posts without saying something about atheism that isn't true?
I'd be happy to be corrected point me to some atheists who agree there is evidence in favor of theism.
Quote:That is absolutely NOT what evidence is. Mere comportment with belief is the minimum one would expect from reality for the belief to not be proven false, but multiple exclusive beliefs can be in comportment with reality as it is known thus far. To be evidence, something must support a particular conclusion and NOT other, mutually exclusive conclusions, equally.
Whether facts presented favor one explanation over another is in the eye of the beholder or the trier of facts. The fact of the existence of the universe alone leaves the other explanations just as viable. A circumstantial case is made of several facts which then corroborate one another. I have offered 4 other facts in addition to the existence of the universe which support the theistic hypothesis.
Quote:That support a PARTICULAR conclusion. If the same 'evidence' can be used to back other mutually exclusive conclusions equally, it is not actually evidence at all.
You're still confusing evidence with proof. Even if some conclusion is shown to be false the facts that comport with the false conclusion don't become non-evidence. We know the earth is round because a tremendous preponderance of evidence overwhelms the belief the earth is flat. That doesn't negate the fact that from my window the earth looks flat. That is still evidence in favor of that belief. Its just wrong but it doesn't become non-evidence. If what you say is true...are you now going to say the existence of the universe is not evidence
2. Mindless forces always existed in some form or another and over time (even if time didn't always exist) became the universe we now observe.
3. Mindless forces materialized out of nothing uncaused and turned into the universe we now observe
that either of those possibilities is true?
Quote:Yep. If you had something that supported the conclusion that there is a Creator God and did not equally support any other conclusion, that would be evidence in favor of the conclusion that a Creator God is real. If substantiated, it would become global news, especially in theological circles.
I have already cited 4 other lines of evidence that impartial unbiased folks can decide for themselves who made the better case.
2. The existence of life.
3. The existence of intelligent life
4. The fact the laws of physics exist, that they are knowable uniform and explicable by formulas and math.
5. The fact the laws of physics are in an extremely narrow band that not only allow but caused the existence of stars, galaxies, solar systems planets and the aforementioned life.
Of course its in the eye of the beholder but these last four lines of evidence support the Creator God hypothesis over the
2. Mindless forces always existed in some form or another and over time (even if time didn't always exist) became the universe we now observe.
3. Mindless forces materialized out of nothing uncaused and turned into the universe we now observe