gods not dead is a horrible movie. It makes the atheist look like a complete asshole when were not.
Um the ending was so profoundly stupid kevin sorbet (i know its sorbo he lost all my respect doing this movie and speaking out against atheists)
gets hit by a car and driver proceeds to drive away the 2 pastor bromance guys get out the car and go over to him and are like hey man jesus
love you and not one of them calls a ambulance and then the conversation goes oh god loves you and sorbet replys oh if god loved me why did i get
hit by a car then the bromance oh you if he hadn't you would have died immediately. So it dawns on me at this part those 2 fuckers are trying to "save" him
instead of calling a ambulance. Then the stupid cuts of the between him getting hit and the fucking concert it cuts back to the black guy saying tonight is a cause
for celebration...and its like.....what the fuck was the script writer smoking a guy dying is not celebration how is death even a miracle for these people. Then one of the guys
from the bromance picks up his phone.. a dead guys phone and goes through his personal text and it says god is not dead.....
.00000000000000000000000001 out of a possible 10 not even worth it.
Um the ending was so profoundly stupid kevin sorbet (i know its sorbo he lost all my respect doing this movie and speaking out against atheists)
gets hit by a car and driver proceeds to drive away the 2 pastor bromance guys get out the car and go over to him and are like hey man jesus
love you and not one of them calls a ambulance and then the conversation goes oh god loves you and sorbet replys oh if god loved me why did i get
hit by a car then the bromance oh you if he hadn't you would have died immediately. So it dawns on me at this part those 2 fuckers are trying to "save" him
instead of calling a ambulance. Then the stupid cuts of the between him getting hit and the fucking concert it cuts back to the black guy saying tonight is a cause
for celebration...and its like.....what the fuck was the script writer smoking a guy dying is not celebration how is death even a miracle for these people. Then one of the guys
from the bromance picks up his phone.. a dead guys phone and goes through his personal text and it says god is not dead.....
.00000000000000000000000001 out of a possible 10 not even worth it.
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