(April 18, 2015 at 4:07 pm)superAtheistnut Wrote: This forum has a sub-forum for 'Christianity' , because no one will call you a bigot for insulting them.
But imagine if this forum had a sub-forum for:
Jews : the site would get shutdown by the Zionists Jews and called anti-Semitic
Muslim : site would get hacked and be called islamaPhobe
As an atheist, I insult all religions equally. I do not discriminate. But unfortunately, like many liberals and comedians , my atheist friends are yellow-belly-cowards chicken to insult any other religion except for beating the dead horse "Christianity".
I think you need to check your sample rate. I myself am a flaming social and economic liberal. But, at the same time I also have a huge problem with political correctness.
I love my well intended friends on the left, but what they do not understand is that the same books they may read to justify empathy, are the same books with the same words that others use to justify cruelty.
Humans deserve rights, but ideas should never be given blind value or be blasphemy free.
I do criticize Muslims and Jews and Hindus and will also Buddhist and go after atheists who I think get it wrong.
One huge problem I have with ALL religions and they all pull this crap, when you tell them it is not a race they flip out. I have seen Muslims and Jews especially when you point out religion being the cause of their needless conflict they cay "no it is not a religion it is a race".
A black Muslim in Africa does not look like a olive complected Muslim say in Turkey or Pakistan. Had a Hindu once accused me of racism because I simply said his religion was not any different than anyone elses and just as made up. Despite pointing out to him Indian atheist groups whom have people born there with the same backgrounds and skin complexions.
I don't expect the population of Israel to move, but to me their land grabs are no different than what European Christians did to Native Americans when they migrated here. On the other side only a fool would claim that Islam isn't the backers of the idea of wiping Israel off the map. And if "Jew" were a race then why doesn't Israel's population look like Sammy Davis Jr.
And a few months ago there was a story out of Israel where their right wing sexist nuts held a flight back 11 hours becuase those fuckwads refused to sit next to women.
And stupid things like male or female genital mutilation which all three do. And thinking dietary rules handed to you by a god, like eating fish on friday(Christianity) or abstaining from pork because you are Jewish or Muslim or not eating cow because you are Hindu, is just flat out superstitious bullshit.
I go after atheists too. I know Aynd Rand ass kissers who are atheists who would love us to look like a 3rd world country masturbating over cheap labor. I know other atheists who think getting rid of the private sector on a planet of 7 billion is a good goal. I know other atheists who have conspiracy crap like 9/11 and JFK.
I personally wish all three religions would stop using the only home I have as their giant pissing contest. But everyone is fair game to me, not out to silence anyone, just saying no one deserves a pedestal.