(April 27, 2015 at 3:59 am)mralstoner Wrote: Dumb Republicunt has been watching too much Alex Jones! No, wait...
Obama's half-brother Malik Obama has just been interviewed by Joel Gilbert (maker of Dreams From My Real Father) and now he is (a) totally disheartened by Obama's disinterest in his Kenyan relatives and (b) he is now unsure if Obama is even a blood relative, and thinks he resembles Frank Marshall Davis (after he watched Dreams From My Real Father).
Tick tock, Obama's fraudulent family narrative unravels by the day.
Um? Supposing this nonsense is true and Obama's daddy is Frank Davis. Hardly likely, but just suppose that that's true. Obama would be even more emphatically a U.S. citizen because Davis is a citizen.
And where would be this Obama lie you are looking for? Obama's birth certificate says Obama Sr. is Obama's daddy. What about that interview suggests to you that Obama himself thinks that his father is Frank Davis? Or that Malik thought so before he got his feelings hurt. Malik basically says, Obama doesn't spend enough time with me or in Kenya anymore, therefore he might not be my real half brother. Hardly a smoking gun. Certainly not evidence that Obama knows his father is anyone other than Obama Sr.
I find the whole thing weird. First the right wing spends forever trying to prove Obama isn't U.S. citizen or at the very least that he was born in Kenya. Having failed that, they'd like to now claim that it's scandalous that Obama's dad is a U.S. citizen? Why? Because Davis was a communist. But so was Obama Sr. And why do we care about the politics of a man's father?
If there is a god, I want to believe that there is a god. If there is not a god, I want to believe that there is no god.