Many people seem to be totally unaware that there are "Holy Wars" going on at this very moment. These are almost like "cold wars". In other words, they take the form of proselytizing and evangelizing for the most part. But sometimes they do incite violent acts.
The "Christians" (*whoever they might be) are orchestrating huge Internet websites and campaigns to push Christianity, specifically in Muslim countries, but they do this everywhere actually.
I say (*whoever they might be), because there is no single underlying organization called "Christianity". Instead these things are being driven by individuals and groups of individuals who have gotten it in their heads that it's extremely important to do this "work" for God.
Naturally, they don't see any harm in this at all. On the contrary they truly believe that they are doing the "work of God". They sincerely believe in what they are doing.
But, in truth, what they are really doing is causing Muslim countries to panic and thus in-turn start up their own proselytizing campaigns to 'fight-back' and protect their religion from this onslaught of Christianity.
This has become a serious "global war" that many people do not fully understand. This is precisely why we are seeing an upsurge in Islamic proselytizing on the Internet. They are fighting back. They are going to proselytize their religion just as actively as the Christians have been pushing theirs.
Moreover, both of these religions ironically give each other support without even realizing it. They are both founded on the same foundational fables really. So to believe in either of their "Gods" gives the other side that much more confidence that they got it "right". Because in the end, both the Christian and Muslim religions are ultimately nothing more than derailed Judaism.
I've often said that if the Western countries would have tossed in the towel on Christianity a couple of centuries ago, then the Muslim countries would start to doubt their religion as well. But with so many Christians believing so firmly in the Jewish God of Abraham, this only gives the Muslims all the more reason to cling to their fables.
Christians are never going to convince the Muslims to give up their version of the religion and convert to Christianity anymore than it's going to happen the other way around.
These two religions will never stop opposing each other. The only hope is to get them to both realize how utterly foolish they both are.
But that's never going to happen either. All you need to do is talk with a convinced Christian to see that they aren't about to listen to reason. And the same is true of the Muslims.
So this is coming to a head, and there doesn't appear to be any way to stop it. Neither the Christians, nor the Muslims, are prepared to toss in the towel. And unfortunately the Christians apparently will never stop proselyting. The more they are asked to stop, the more determined they are to proselytize it all the more.
I personally don't believe that it was fundamental to Islam to proselytize their religion. At least not outside of their culture.
It's actually the Christians who started that ignorance because Jesus supposedly told his disciple to "spread his word".
That's really where whole proselytizing thing comes from: Christianity.
But now the Muslims are "reacting" to that in defense.
The only way to react to it peacefully is to counter-proselytize their religion back at the Christians.
But these "Proselytizing Wars" aren't going to remain peaceful for long. In fact, we already know that many Muslims will blow themselves up just to kill a few Christians. And that kind of violence is only going to increase. Especially if the Christians should happen to appear to be "winning" the proselytizing wars, because then the Muslim are going to feel really backed into a hopeless corner where the only way out is to blow themselves up and take as many Christians with them as they can.
Something needs to be done on an international level about this. Some years ago some members of the UN suggested international laws against religious proselyting. But that never took root.
Today these proselytizing wars are becoming a real problem. Not just on the personal level that we see on forums like these, but on International levels. Islamic Governments themselves are taking this very seriously and it's causing them to become very paranoid.
Both China and Russia have sided with Islam, by the way, with respect to these proselytizing wars. And because of this many people in the know predict that Christianity will be the certain loser. And it's not going to be pretty.
What can an atheistic community do about this sort of thing short of calling both the Christians and the Muslims idiots?
It's there an intelligent way to save the world from religious fanatics?
I have an idea that could potentially solve the problem without violence.
How about you? Do you have a non-violent solution to this problem?
The "Christians" (*whoever they might be) are orchestrating huge Internet websites and campaigns to push Christianity, specifically in Muslim countries, but they do this everywhere actually.
I say (*whoever they might be), because there is no single underlying organization called "Christianity". Instead these things are being driven by individuals and groups of individuals who have gotten it in their heads that it's extremely important to do this "work" for God.
Naturally, they don't see any harm in this at all. On the contrary they truly believe that they are doing the "work of God". They sincerely believe in what they are doing.
But, in truth, what they are really doing is causing Muslim countries to panic and thus in-turn start up their own proselytizing campaigns to 'fight-back' and protect their religion from this onslaught of Christianity.
This has become a serious "global war" that many people do not fully understand. This is precisely why we are seeing an upsurge in Islamic proselytizing on the Internet. They are fighting back. They are going to proselytize their religion just as actively as the Christians have been pushing theirs.
Moreover, both of these religions ironically give each other support without even realizing it. They are both founded on the same foundational fables really. So to believe in either of their "Gods" gives the other side that much more confidence that they got it "right". Because in the end, both the Christian and Muslim religions are ultimately nothing more than derailed Judaism.
I've often said that if the Western countries would have tossed in the towel on Christianity a couple of centuries ago, then the Muslim countries would start to doubt their religion as well. But with so many Christians believing so firmly in the Jewish God of Abraham, this only gives the Muslims all the more reason to cling to their fables.
Christians are never going to convince the Muslims to give up their version of the religion and convert to Christianity anymore than it's going to happen the other way around.
These two religions will never stop opposing each other. The only hope is to get them to both realize how utterly foolish they both are.
But that's never going to happen either. All you need to do is talk with a convinced Christian to see that they aren't about to listen to reason. And the same is true of the Muslims.
So this is coming to a head, and there doesn't appear to be any way to stop it. Neither the Christians, nor the Muslims, are prepared to toss in the towel. And unfortunately the Christians apparently will never stop proselyting. The more they are asked to stop, the more determined they are to proselytize it all the more.
I personally don't believe that it was fundamental to Islam to proselytize their religion. At least not outside of their culture.
It's actually the Christians who started that ignorance because Jesus supposedly told his disciple to "spread his word".
That's really where whole proselytizing thing comes from: Christianity.
But now the Muslims are "reacting" to that in defense.
The only way to react to it peacefully is to counter-proselytize their religion back at the Christians.
But these "Proselytizing Wars" aren't going to remain peaceful for long. In fact, we already know that many Muslims will blow themselves up just to kill a few Christians. And that kind of violence is only going to increase. Especially if the Christians should happen to appear to be "winning" the proselytizing wars, because then the Muslim are going to feel really backed into a hopeless corner where the only way out is to blow themselves up and take as many Christians with them as they can.
Something needs to be done on an international level about this. Some years ago some members of the UN suggested international laws against religious proselyting. But that never took root.
Today these proselytizing wars are becoming a real problem. Not just on the personal level that we see on forums like these, but on International levels. Islamic Governments themselves are taking this very seriously and it's causing them to become very paranoid.
Both China and Russia have sided with Islam, by the way, with respect to these proselytizing wars. And because of this many people in the know predict that Christianity will be the certain loser. And it's not going to be pretty.
What can an atheistic community do about this sort of thing short of calling both the Christians and the Muslims idiots?
It's there an intelligent way to save the world from religious fanatics?
I have an idea that could potentially solve the problem without violence.
How about you? Do you have a non-violent solution to this problem?
Christian - A moron who believes that an all-benevolent God can simultaneously be a hateful jealous male-chauvinistic pig.
Wiccan - The epitome of cerebral evolution having mastered the magical powers of the universe and is in eternal harmony with the mind of God.
Atheist - An ill-defined term that means something different to everyone who uses it.
Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
Clearly Jesus (a fictitious character or otherwise) will forgive people if they merely know not what they do
For the Bible Tells us so!
Wiccan - The epitome of cerebral evolution having mastered the magical powers of the universe and is in eternal harmony with the mind of God.
Atheist - An ill-defined term that means something different to everyone who uses it.
Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
Clearly Jesus (a fictitious character or otherwise) will forgive people if they merely know not what they do
For the Bible Tells us so!