Quote:Not only would the bill grant employers the right to pry into a woman’s (and only a woman’s) medical history, it would give them opportunity to fire women for simply having a sex life. Imagine this conversation:
EMPLOYER: Um, Lisa, I see here that you have a prescription for a birth control pill.
LISA: What?
EMPLOYER: That’s right, a birth control pill. Why are you on birth control pills?
LISA: Excuse me?
EMPLOYER: Why are you on birth control?
LISA: I’m sorry, sir, but that’s personal.
EMPLOYER: No, it’s not. I believe that birth control is a sin and I’ll need to see proof that you aren’t using it so you can have unlimited sex.
LISA: What?????
EMPLOYER: Lisa, you seem rather tongue tied on the subject. Should I take that to mean that you, an unmarried woman, are using birth control only for sex?
LISA (red-faced and nearly in tears): But…I get really bad cramps. That’s why the doctor gave them to me. Plus, I don’t want to get pregnant.
EMPLOYER: So you’re admitting you have sex.
LISA: No…no. I’m not admitting anything. Isn’t that my business?
EMPLOYER: No. I need to know that I am not paying for sin. I need proof that you are using birth control for non-sexual purposes. Take the rest of the day off and go to your doctor. You can come back when you have a note from him saying that the pills aren’t for sex.
LISA: But it comes out of my insurance. I pay for that out of every paycheck.
EMPLOYER: You only pay for half the insurance. I pay for the other half. I need to make sure that you aren’t violating my First Amendment rights.
Shaking and in tears, Lisa leaves for her doctor. The doctor, also a Catholic, (the largest religious bloc) refuses to write the note. Lisa is never allowed to return to work.
Don’t ask.