...and how the western backing of authoritarian reigimes in the middle east because they opposed popular Islamist movements like the Muslim Brotherhood which the West felt were dangerous to their values pushed many mainsteam Islamist into more hardline movements.
Not that I want to endorse the nonsense about terrorist attacks being the West's fault - they are not. But the irrational fear in the West of political Islam is one of the most dangerous feautres of the minsteam western political thought at present.
Not that I want to endorse the nonsense about terrorist attacks being the West's fault - they are not. But the irrational fear in the West of political Islam is one of the most dangerous feautres of the minsteam western political thought at present.
"It is not as a child that I believe and confess Jesus Christ. My hosanna is born of a furnace of doubt." ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky