RE: The Council of Jerusalem 50 C.E.; did this really happen?
July 19, 2012 at 11:42 am
Quote:So? He spent very little time in Jersalem
Fails to explain why the ones who were allegedly there would give a rat's ass.
Quote:But all Gentiles who were looking to make the Change to Christianity would especially if Messanic Jews were telling them to first get circumsized first.
But in 50 AD you have yet to show that such a clamor existed. As has been noted, ad nauseam, not a single Greco-Roman or Jewish writer living at the time has anything to say about your godboy and his magic tricks. In fact, when xtians DO reach the point of being noticed, middle second century AD, we DO see those writers ( Celsus, Lucian) start to comment on them.
Quote: So
So centuries later the problem allegedly addressed at this supposed "Council" was still growing.
Quote:You tell me.
I am telling you. The whole story and this phony church history which was later concocted is bullshit.
Quote:The second century Church suffered from problems like no other church did before or after. For none of the orginal Apstoles were left alive and there wasn't a compliation of all of the apstoles teachings to guide them. Which as the problem progressed and spread promted the powers that be to complie the written words of the apstoles before they were all destroyed or lost. Hence the bible.
Wrong. Marcion issued a canon in the mid 2d century which contained one gospel - probably Luke although it had not been named at that point - and 10 of "Paul's" so-called epistles although later church thugs destroyed Marcion's bible so we don't know what any of these documents may have said. Variants of this shit were floating around, though.
Quote:They did not have any direction from the Apstoles Verbally written or otherwise.
Actually, the doctrine of Apostolic Authority came to be defined by the church late in the 2d century....hence Irenaeas attaching the names which your so-called gospels go by today.
Quote:Actually He did when He rewrote or reinterperted 1 Cor 15:50.
Actually, all that shows is that Justin never heard of "Paul" (probably because he had not been invented yet). It is you jesus freaks who pretend that "Paul" was this most important character. Yet, Justin never heard of him. I'll bet Justin never heard of the Council of Jerusalem, either.
Quote:Plus on further review he kinda denies the deity of Christ which excludes him from being a practicing christian anyway.
As xtianity evolved into the church-based 'department of motor vehicles'-style bureaucratic pile of shit that it remains any number of its early writers were declared heretics - the great Origen who lived a century after Justin was also tossed out on his less-than-holy ass by later church leaders who found his doctrines no longer consistent with what they wanted to push on the public as "true." But in the middle 2d century, Justin was a real celebrity and his First Apology was addressed to the Emperor Antoninus Pius himself. You should read Ehrman's Lost Christianities and learn some stuff about how your bullshit evolved ( oops, there's that word again!).
You have drunk so deeply of the jesus Kool-Aid that you will never find anything "odd" about the crock of shit story you have been sold.