Can you imagine this celebration taking place in the US? A giant penis and/or vagina being carried through the streets of nearly any city in the Bible Belt?
The christards would burst like balloons: "NO NO, not a vagina ... anything but a vagina!! God hates our naughty parts!"
The christards would burst like balloons: "NO NO, not a vagina ... anything but a vagina!! God hates our naughty parts!"
Article Wrote:One of the best-known penis festivals is at Komaki City's Tagata shrine, about 45 minutes outside Nagoya, every March 15. In a neighboring village, a vagina festival is held the Sunday before that. This year, that was the 14th — meaning rare, back-to-back genital worship days.
In the morning, children carry a small vagina to the Ogata shrine. Later, some 40 grown men strain under the weight of a massive vagina while carrying it to the shrine in the main parade. They're followed by two smaller vagina litters.