Unsurprisingly, anyone earninh $200k-$500k will get a tax saving averaging $1,800 per year, whilst those earning £500k-$1m will save $17,000ish and those over a million will save $87,000. Those earning under $200k per year, that'd be 95% of Americans. They will pay and extra $500 per year tax. So 95% of American will subsidise a tax break for those who do not need it, no doubt the Republicans will try flog the lie that is 'job creation'. Also, this is on top of the Bush tax cuts, which caused most of the deficit in the first place. This is $86bn a year in tax cuts, which over 10 years adds $3tn to the deficit. Romney claims this is revenue neutral, but as all ready shown by Bush's cuts, this is arse gravy.