Quote:bullshit.... you might, but your organization doesn't, if this were true, Turkey would give the Kurds back atleast 10% the Turks currently occupy
Blah blah blah.
Give the native Americans their land back first, the people you actually did genocide, and then we will perhaps think of giving the Kurds a piece of shit of a country somewhere in Iran by dislocating them.
Quote:there are christian Turks??? what? are there three left, after your countries last genocide?
You are stupid and ignorant.
And when exactly did we genocide these people? As a matter of fact, they have been living under the oppressive regime of the communist Russians.
Quote:that's what nationalists always say, then you'll start killing off every minority other than the ideal perfect Turk, which definetly is not a christian one
Yeah, sure.
Quote:so when you get this "Turk only nation" and you are satisfied with the kind of people living in your borders, what then? would you give back some of you land to the Kurds, or will you be more likely to expand?
Give back land to whom? If they want the land, they are welcome to try and take it. We didn't beg anyone to give us land. We bought it with blood. If the kurd is so eager for his own country, let him take it by blood.
We will not "expand", so to say. We will only have what is ours.
Karabagh, Eastern Turkestan, South Azerbaijan, they were ours and they will be so once again.
Quote:you'll never be "free from the foreigner" you fucking psychopath, your chasing an imaginary monster, once you kill whatever group you've been trained to hate you will move on to the next perceived threat, because your country won't be "perfect" so it must be somebody's fault.......must be those damn christians, right?
I think that you're delusional, you're not speaking any sense. When I mean by being free of the foreigner, meaning that our people ought not to live under the hands of the others. Uyghurs will not live under the occupation of the chinese, Azerbaijanis will not suffer under the Iranian regime, nor will Karabagh be under the occupation of Armenia.
Neither will any foreigners be able to economically dominate us, sell us back our own natural resources.
Obviously you hate us Turks so much, that you would have us suffer under the hands of others, while stripping us off of our resources.
Why else would you oppose our fight for independence?
Quote:I disagree, in fact it's the only logical conclusion, I challenge you to show me different
Whatever. I really do not have to discuss this with you. I think that such measures are rather too costly and time consuming. There are other ways to getting rid of your troublesomes.
Quote:communism is a moneyless and therefore capitaless society, you cannot re-distribute that which no longer exists
Sure it is, and I believe that you have so much of everything to distribute to everyone that no one needs currency, and therefore, capital.
Now where did Marx describe such an Atlantean society, where everything is in such abundance that one needs no money, since it would be pointless to pay for something that is as abundant as air?
Communism has failed, and will always fail.
Quote:yes, in fact one the main principles is that you should pay a doctor the same as you would a janitor, THE SAME AMOUNT
Then why should a doctor strive to be a doctor? He can simply earn the same amount of money by simply being a janitor.
Your system does not reward anyone for hard work.
A janitor needs no education to become a janitor. A doctor requires a hard earned medical degree, and the waste other years of his life in training to be one. In truth, communism awards the janitor, since a janitor does not have to invest the same unpaid time of his life into education, while a doctor does.
Your system sucks ass.
Quote:nobody should be required to work
And nobody will, if they won't get paid, or will get paid in the way you describe above. Unless you force them to, which is what was the case in the USSR and which is the case in China right now.
Quote:they have no loyalty to country, communists are loyal to the people and to them alone
Which people? Who are those people? Where do those people live? In a country. A country is a politically defined entity that encompasses borders, in which a people, defined by common culture, heritage, language and etc. live. Any other "country" is an Empire, and should be counted as such.
Quote:we killed hitler didn't we? and besides how do you measure a capitaless society? by how much capital it has? there can be no such thing as a communist country, communism means internationalism
Yes, you also killed a lot more people than Hitler did, communist.
Thank you for killing my people throughout the existence of the monster called the USSR. Thank you very much.
Internationalism. True, communism means to disregard people, languages, cultures, and the countries that arise from the fraternity of people who form those countries, and force them to assimilate into a single identity, culture and language. You cannot archive this "international" dream any other way. You know what? I am not content with giving up my identity to assimilate in this false identity of yours.
Quote:you have no proof of this, and you keep repeating communism is only about economics
Communism is also an ideological system. And it is even more harmful in that way. See how communism has tried to destroy nations and cultures wherever it went to. Turks have been forced to give up their language, and were divided, severing the age-old bonds between our kindred. They have been forced to speak only russian and russian alone.
Similarly, in Turkey, when leftists were in power, similar measures were undertaken against the minorities.
Quote:the idea of the workers owning JUST the "factory" is not new, it's not even communist, there are many companies who do this, in fact there are many americans doing this, all you have do is vote on what everyone including the owner gets paid, and you vote on all major decisions, it's not hard, and definetly not revolutionary
In truth, the factory does not belong to the people who work there.It belongs to the nation, if it's a government owned institution.
In a nation, there are workers, doctors, students, and others, all those people have their share on that factory. You on the other hand, believe that the declining worker class is going to "own" anything at all?
You people are nuts.