I read an interesting post on my Facebook page last night about religions' effects on the mind and body. I believe some of them and am pretty skeptical of others. According to this piece, more religious people have:
-Higher levels of teen pregnancy.
That could not be more obvious. Those Christian fundamentalist states in the deep south teach abstinence only sexual education, which is detrimental to public health. Yeah, kids, you should just ignore your natural sexual urges and you'll be fine. Of course, the states that teach that crap have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation.
-Higher racist tendencies.
I can understand this to an extent. Look at the Council of Conservative Citizens. They are a Christian white supremacist organization made up of the former members of the 1960s White Citizens Councils. "God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God", their motto reads. Let's also not forget the Ku Klux Klan: The Protestant church's biggest embarrassment to date.
-Higher violence rates.
That is another obvious one. You all know about Al Qaeda and the nuts on Fox "News". Killers Richard Poplawski and Byron Williams were overzealous Glenn Beck fans.
-Diminished health.
This makes me think of those so-called faith-based healing scandals, in which parents have refused to allow their children medical attention, and prayed for them instead. Many children have died from lack of medical care because of this.
-Lower IQs
How can you honestly measure IQ? There are so many different types of intelligence.
-Higher porn usage.
Can't make sense of that one.
-Lower incomes.
I don't believe that one at all. Look at Pat Robertson, Ann Coulter and Bryan Fischer. They make tons of money preaching their hateful propaganda on national television.
There are more of them, but a lot of them sounded alike, so I grouped them together into the terms above. Any thoughts as to why more religious people consume more porn? Any other thoughts?
-Higher levels of teen pregnancy.
That could not be more obvious. Those Christian fundamentalist states in the deep south teach abstinence only sexual education, which is detrimental to public health. Yeah, kids, you should just ignore your natural sexual urges and you'll be fine. Of course, the states that teach that crap have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation.
-Higher racist tendencies.
I can understand this to an extent. Look at the Council of Conservative Citizens. They are a Christian white supremacist organization made up of the former members of the 1960s White Citizens Councils. "God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God", their motto reads. Let's also not forget the Ku Klux Klan: The Protestant church's biggest embarrassment to date.
-Higher violence rates.
That is another obvious one. You all know about Al Qaeda and the nuts on Fox "News". Killers Richard Poplawski and Byron Williams were overzealous Glenn Beck fans.
-Diminished health.
This makes me think of those so-called faith-based healing scandals, in which parents have refused to allow their children medical attention, and prayed for them instead. Many children have died from lack of medical care because of this.
-Lower IQs
How can you honestly measure IQ? There are so many different types of intelligence.
-Higher porn usage.

-Lower incomes.
I don't believe that one at all. Look at Pat Robertson, Ann Coulter and Bryan Fischer. They make tons of money preaching their hateful propaganda on national television.
There are more of them, but a lot of them sounded alike, so I grouped them together into the terms above. Any thoughts as to why more religious people consume more porn? Any other thoughts?