I'm serious, show me one single successful government program or law, and I will accept the government as valid.
The welfare state, since it's inception has created a higher wealth gap and higher unemployment than when it started.
The "War on drugs" has not changed people's use of recreational drugs, it has remained exactly the same, the only difference is some people are thrown in cages for owning a plant and thousands of dollars are taken from each citizen in tax money.
Public schools, when it was first introduced, literacy rates went down.
"The War on Terror" boils down to bombing hundreds of thousands of brown people, many civilians. Which is terrorism by definition, bombing civilians houses is terrorism.
Making it illegal to work for low wages (shockingly!) made it worse for the poor. higher unemployment particularly with minorities and youth.
Everything the government claims they will achieve, the opposite happens. So please, I implore you, find me any government program that has worked.
The rules:
- The program's results has to coincide with what the government claims they are going to achieve.
- It can not be curing a problem they created in the first place. I.e, taking everyone's money to fund a war then giving them rations while saying "We would be starving without the government" is not acceptable.
- The evidence has to be outside of government studies. Any studies from the government will not be accepted. It's like expecting objective information about coca-cola products from coca-cola. It's obviously going to be biased.
The welfare state, since it's inception has created a higher wealth gap and higher unemployment than when it started.
The "War on drugs" has not changed people's use of recreational drugs, it has remained exactly the same, the only difference is some people are thrown in cages for owning a plant and thousands of dollars are taken from each citizen in tax money.
Public schools, when it was first introduced, literacy rates went down.
"The War on Terror" boils down to bombing hundreds of thousands of brown people, many civilians. Which is terrorism by definition, bombing civilians houses is terrorism.
Making it illegal to work for low wages (shockingly!) made it worse for the poor. higher unemployment particularly with minorities and youth.
Everything the government claims they will achieve, the opposite happens. So please, I implore you, find me any government program that has worked.
The rules:
- The program's results has to coincide with what the government claims they are going to achieve.
- It can not be curing a problem they created in the first place. I.e, taking everyone's money to fund a war then giving them rations while saying "We would be starving without the government" is not acceptable.
- The evidence has to be outside of government studies. Any studies from the government will not be accepted. It's like expecting objective information about coca-cola products from coca-cola. It's obviously going to be biased.
The only freedom, is freedom from illusion.