RE: Why does god say "No Sex" during prayer?
September 3, 2013 at 10:56 pm
(September 3, 2013 at 9:48 pm)BadWriterSparty Wrote: To play devil's advocate for a moment, it's very possible that Drich's grasp of the English language is decent enough, but he simply types so fast and neglects to spell-check afterwards. This, of course, is all speculation on my part.
I have noticed that when theists, such as Drich or GC, present their arguments with spelling errors, the grammar and spelling Nazis tend to step out of the shadows, distracting from the real issues with their claims. On the other hand, I know that there have been many occasions where I'll either misspell something or omit a word here or there, but none of my fellow atheists see fit to correct me in that moment.
Just sayin'.
Do you know what a fainting goat is?
It is a goat, that shepards mix in with the heard so that when a predator attacks, they go after this goat who falls over with fear, rather than the more valuable heard.
If remove these errors, then 'those people' would be forced to addressed actual content. Which in all honestly most can't. So then it escaliates anger builds and people get their feeling hurt and are quickly provked to wrath. Which makes a mess of this forum.
My spelling is what it is because I did not learn how to properly read till I was into my twenties, and I am teaching my self how to write. I was diagnosed with all sorts of learning disabilities, and even was kicked out of my first school. (it was like that scene from Forrest Gump where there was an IQ Line graph, and it showed "normal, gifted, and Slow.") So I was sent of to really bad public schools, and forgotten about.
Anyway, after learning to read comic books (they had pictures/I think in Pictures) I learned to use words to visualize what was being said and finally grasp basic reading comprehension. Fast forward almost 20 years an I am very successful at what I do, and it was like I never skipped a beat. the only problem is I spell phonetically, and if someone writes something in such a way as I can not build a picture of what is being discussed, then I will not understand what is being written about.
That said most of these 'spelling Nazi's" know my story, and if they want to make fun of a tard, so as not to have to have an on point discussion, and be make to look like a tard, by the tard who can not even spell 'possiably' or get confused about which 'their' to use.. then that is there business.
However Every now and then one of these guys will set me off, and I will intentionally paint them into a corner theologicaly, or philosophically and then get my wife or secretary to proof my work, to ensight them to a point of wrath. (I'll take away the fainting goat, and let them stand toe to toe with me on what they believe.) Not once has that resulted in anything good. The conversation degrades very quickly into name calling, and cursing, I generally make an enemy for life.
So, again. Just as I am. that is what you all get. I will go the extra mile to research, and formulate my own opinions, but the vast majority of what I write is from me, flaws and all. If you can't find fault in the theology, then there's always my personal short commings you all can go after.
(There are many)