Alright, then Min it is. referring to your previous post Min I too found it strange that if Jesus had such a great following as described in the scriptures, that there is no referrence to him anywhere and no one came to his defence during his apprehension and trial. The scriptures state that he was continuosly followed around by a throng of people. Hundreds even thousands maybe followed him around constantly. Yet when he was apprehended not one of them raised their voice in his defence, they did not try to hide him or anything.
For someone with such a following you would think that there would be a lot more written about him and some type of revolt on the part of the multitudes that followed him.
For someone with such a following you would think that there would be a lot more written about him and some type of revolt on the part of the multitudes that followed him.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition