RE: The Atheist Forums Memorial
September 23, 2013 at 10:18 pm
(This post was last modified: September 23, 2013 at 10:46 pm by Violet.)
(September 23, 2013 at 3:16 pm)Rayaan Wrote: Niqabi Ninja
She was awful pretty, wasn't she? Had the best smile in the world
(September 23, 2013 at 6:32 pm)missluckie26 Wrote: And Violet Lilly has also saddened my heart with her sporradic abscences. And is Savannah gone?
I'm not absent, I'm only negligent
#Incoming Jargon
Don't have too much invested stock here right now, Shelly's disinterested, Rhythm took his ball and went to play with himself, and I've been having a *fantastic* time elsewhere.
World championships, getting myself up to gold 3 from silver 3 (and I'm in my promos right now, if I win (this is the third time here, i'm getting ~25 fucking LP per win (out of every 100 needed to hit your next promo), and I could very fucking well hit platinum before october is out (honestly it's on others not losing their lanes NEARLY so hard at this point, preferably while giving me mid lane, because I have a goddamn 70& winrate with my mid laners and I am never dipping below neutral with these goddamn platinum threes and diamond players I'm being matched up with (MMR, it's brutal)))). So basically, I know I can hit diamond eventually, and I think that with practice in the environment where I belong: I will actually be able to hit high diamond, might happen in season 4 though (not that much time, this is a fairly recent attempt of mine, sans the obligations of others, which includes this place).
/endwalloftext, /beginnextwalloftext+jargon
I've also got engagements to attend to, and people who rely on me to carry their sorry asses regardless of game played (granted, one of them can match me in sins, and I don't play 'hard-engage' assassins often therefore one friend of mine can outmatch most of my champion pool simply by countering me with poke, but then... I wipe the floor with assassins and eat them, so I really don't mind, especially with their prevalence in the current meta). Honestly, it's more on me learning assassins again... which you'd think I'd be all over with my 'out for blood' hyper-aggressive bullying playstyle what allows me to push assassins out of mid lane with goddamn mages (the things that assassins often target) and take a few pegs off the enemy jungler's pride when he comes in to gank. Enemy jungler attempts to gank Lilly? Lilly gets frag.
Honestly, if I get first pick, I should really stop being understanding and considerate, and just carry myself the fuck out of here. Every... time... I let... someone else... mid.... they lose. Horribly. In ways that leave me just scratching my fucking head. And I'm getting right angry about this, because if there is ONE thing that I want them to do? It is to NOT die. I don't care if they don't get kills that are handed to them... if they do not feed, winning is VERY likely. If they feed... it's that much harder to claw your way to victory. ESPECIALLY when I'm not on a mage. Fuck, if they have me top... I find that I do a better goddamn job up there with mages (against bruisers, tanks, and fighters) than I do with other bruisers, tanks, and fighters XD And why should I even support, when I can so effectively play the champions that THRIVE in kill lanes? WHY?! Because people are set in their mindset that 'X is viable and Y is not', and picking a nonstandard champion makes these people think 'I'm gonna lose', and so they automatically start playing on a tilt, subconsciously. It doesn't matter that I will win lane... because two of our lanes are lost, and if I'm not mid, then that means TWO enemy 'carries' get fed, to the ONE on our side (me). It also means our jungler is behind and has less of an impact when they show up in a lane, and our ward line falls to just me and an extremely starved support.
When I'm the support starved by this shit... it's just me

And I'm not even a carry, so I get to watch 2 lanes fall, and I have to struggle endlessly to stop the third from falling. Sure, I have a 65% winrate between my support champions... but every one of those games is hard as fucking nails and it's completely unsatisfying due to the starved nature of supports.
/endrant, I think?
But yeah, get me settled as the mid laner... and it's good times, sweet oldies

I pray to the fucking GODS that I *NEVER* see someone first pick talon **EVER** the fuck afuckin'gain. #Uncarryable
That's a whole lot of frustration up there XD Hope to be duo queueing with a friend of mine again in the future.... just having ONE other lane not fail is enough for me

And the games where he does fall are few and far between

When they happen though, I can only sigh.