RE: Is There a Point To Living a Moral Life?
October 17, 2013 at 12:40 am
Thanks to everyone for your... eh... Honest replies!
I particularly like yours "Fallen". I think you should be [back] on our side of the street!
And as far as my motives? They are also honorable.... and speaking of honesty, face it Maggy... I was considered a jerk by you, before you ever even laid those big brown eyes on me!
Most of you did answer the first question. And interestingly enough, society (or pack) seems to form "reactions" to actions perpetrated! So, if society broken down (total chaos) then for many of you, so would your moral compass. That's probably true for a lot of Christians too! But when we (Christians) are held to a higher source, society is not our standard to live by.
And generally speaking....we would die for basic moral values, and what is right.
But, I didn't really get the answer to the more important second question; Where is the line drawn?
Sure we can talk about moral matters in life or death situations that we would ALL fight side-by-side for! But what about the little things? The passing little lies, and cheats! The things we all take for granted.
Jesus tells us, "If you are honest in small matters, you will be honest in big matters."
And Jesus more than anything else tells us about the evil of our "sins of omission"...aka "what we fail to do."
Personally, this is a slippery slope for me, and I'm sure for many! Some of these "omissions" are frustratingly in-grained. Only my deep reflections through Jesus' words and guidance am I able to root them out, and remedy some form.
How do you as "singularly moral" people able to avoid the [subtle] occurrences of...well... sin and injustice and lies? Or, is that below the bar of caring?
Thanks again everyone! I really enjoyed reading most of your replies! Ron