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I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
Don't tell G-C that. He thinks he's god's gift.
RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
(December 21, 2013 at 6:40 pm)Minimalist Wrote: Ah.... but are you a True Christian? There's the rub.

That can turn quite a lot rubbier if you ask him if he's a Christian, a True Christian, or a ... Munafiq Christian. Tongue

RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
(December 21, 2013 at 9:41 pm)Rayaan Wrote:
(December 21, 2013 at 6:40 pm)Minimalist Wrote: Ah.... but are you a True Christian? There's the rub.

That can turn quite a lot rubbier if you ask him if he's a Christian, a True Christian, or a ... Munafiq Christian. Tongue

In Islam, a munāfiq (n., in Arabic: منافق, pluralmunāfiqūn) is a hypocrite who outwardly practices Islam while inwardly concealing his disbelief ( kufr ), perhaps even unknowingly. The Quran has hundreds of ayat (verses) discussing munāfiqūn,[1]referring to them as more dangerous to Muslimsthan the worst non-Muslim enemies of Islam.

You know that is almost an accurate description! Except that don't inwardly disbelieve and outwardly believe, I outwardly disbelieve in some bits, but try to follow it anyway. Cherry picking in fact. Actually I an openly agnostic about the factual accuracy of most of the bible, it's not so much disbelief as indifference. If the whole thing is nothing but a parable it still has value to me. I'm quite comfortable with that. I believe the teachings of Jesus, in particular the sermon on the mount, are for the most part beautiful, relevant and worth following.

If that makes me more dangerous to Christianity than the worst non Christian enemies of Christianity, that should not be a problem here. Wink :p

Out of interest does the Qu'ran say what is to be done with munafiq s?
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken."
Sith code
RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
(December 22, 2013 at 4:20 am)Jacob(smooth) Wrote: Out of interest does the Qu'ran say what is to be done with munafiq s?

Not much, as far as I am aware, but one thing I do know is that the Quran tells us that we should never offer any prayers for a munafiq after he dies (if he openly admitted that he was a munafiq and dies in that state) nor even go to his grave:

"And you (O Muhammad) should never ever offer prayers for anyone from amongst them (the hypocrites) who dies, nor even stand at his grave; for they have denied Allah and His Messenger and died while they were transgressors!" (Surah 9:84)

In another verse we are told: "Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire, and no helper will you find for them." (Surah 4:145)

Most of all, the Quran mentions many of the 'signs' or characteristics of munafiqs (or hypocrites) so that we are able to be cautious of them. One of the things that they have in common is that they are double-faced, so while being around Muslims, they act as if they are believers (by both speech and actions), but when they are with their friends or with a non-believer, they start to mock or joke about the Muslims and their religion. Another characteristic of the munafiqs is that their appearance and their speech will please you; their forms are pleasing and their speech is eloquent, but in reality they are like the hollow trunks of a tree as the Quran says:

"And when you see them, their forms please you, and when they speak, you listen to their speech. (They are) as though they were hollow pieces of wood propped up." (Surah 63:4)

The are many verses in the Quran that describe the qualities of munafiqs and you can see some of those at the link below:

RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
Quote:Out of interest does the Qu'ran say what is to be done with munafiq s?

Probably involves rocks. Limited imagination with those people!
RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
(December 22, 2013 at 4:20 am)Jacob(smooth) Wrote: I believe the teachings of Jesus, in particular the sermon on the mount, are for the most part beautiful, relevant and worth following.

Interesting, and telling too.

" Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
"poor in spirit" means to be "humble" and self-deprecating. Why would a god need people with low self-esteem? Oh yeah! the desperate ones! They are the most gullible for his lies about a non-existant heaven floating in the upper atmosphere of earth.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Again, jesus lies! They aren't going to be comforted as their loved one is really gone forever, never to be seen again. Even in god's story if you happen to care for one of the majority that is going to be on fire for all of eternity in hell, you will not be able to save that person you love, you'll actually hear his or her screams for all eternity. Some comfort!!

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Yet again a blatant lie by jesus. In no way are the meek going to "inherit" anything. There is no time that they will be separated from the "not meek" in ether reality or in the fictional story. The meek and the confident follow the same history throughout the story. They never get to enjoy anything that was bequeathed to them by the confident of mankind.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Not true! The desire that all around us will be "righteous" or "morally good" will never be fulfilled because there is no heaven, and despite that, the heaven promised is not morally good when good men such as Richard Dawkins and myself go to hell for using the brain that we were born with, yet horrible murderers, thieves and tyrants get to go to heaven with the quickest of deathbed confessions.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
Horribly untrue. God is unmerciful to the extreme. If you don't follow his entrance rules exactly, he not only denies you entrance into his heaven club, he burns you alive for all eternity. One of god's men, Saul, was punished for showing mercy to his prisoners. So even in jesus' own story, he lied again.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Again, a bare-face lie by jesus. Nobody can see the imaginary sky daddy god, not even pure hearted sweet children. Even in the god story, everyone saved gets to see him in heaven, and according to your particular faith version, even the unsaved get to see him are they are judged. So there is no special segregation for the "pure in heart" so no way for them to be especially blessed in this regard.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
As you know, christians are among the most militant in society. They love their military and every chance to use it. Yet again this is a lie by jesus, as the world's real peacemakers rarely ever follow the commandments and the ultimatums of god. Try to be understanding and make peace with the homosexuals? Nope, cant do that, gotta kill them. Try and make peace with the muslims? Nope, can't do that, the bible says to kill them. Just WHO does the bible say to make peace with???

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

No floating sky heaven, no truth to this jesus claim. When you die, you rot, just like everyone else.

Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Closing with another lie by jebus. There is no heaven, and no modern christian persecutions either, just a dishonest christian persecution complex.
There is no special treatment that gets given to a tortured christian verses a non-tortured christian. They get the same reward. Death (reality), or heaven.

So what is it among the silly trite sayings called the beatitudes that you continue to cling to? Do obvious lies really comfort you? Would it help if some of us on the forum lied to you about how all your dreams will someday come true? Or is it like I suspect, that you haven't ever critically analyzed the sermon?

More reading:

(December 21, 2013 at 6:39 pm)Jacob(smooth) Wrote: Now you might feel that if I do not believe In that particular aspect of the standard Christian canon I should not call myself a Christian. ..

Does that adequately answer you question?

No, it simply dodges the hard questions.. but anyway.. Lets reverse it for fun.

I believe that there is no god anywhere of any kind. I completely disrespect all forms of religion. I think that the ancient prophets and jesus were, if they existed at all, at best sheep and donkey rapists.
So would you judge me as amiss if I called myself a christian? Would you or your personal friends disagree with me? If I joined a christian forum, would anybody contest my claim, and if they did, would that be unusual?
Find the cure for Fundementia!
RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
Quote:No, it simply dodges the hard questions.. but anyway.. Lets reverse it for fun.

Quote:I believe that there is no god anywhere of any kind.

Good for you.Cheers! Have a gold star.

Quote:I completely disrespect all forms of religion.

Yeah, I could tell ROFLOL

Quote:I think that the ancient prophets and jesus were, if they existed at all, at best sheep and donkey rapists.

Oooo, your incisive hermeneutic deconstruction of scripture is convincing me of your rational and evidence based approach!Confusedhock: I feel the stirrings of a humanist conversion inside meClap Clap Yes, I see it now!

No, wait, its heartburn. Since there is no particular evidence (of which I'm aware) that Jesus Christ had carnal knowledge of livestock I can only assume that this comment is meant either to impress atheists with your bold stance or to get a rise out of theistsRolleyes. Which makes it either a bit needy or bit troll'y.

Quote:So would you judge me as amiss if I called myself a christian?

Mate, I wouldn't judge you amiss if you called yourself the second coming of the donkey raping messiah or the noodly appendage of the FSM. Not my job. Rolleyes

Quote: Would you or your personal friends disagree with me?

I wouldn't. I'd have to ask but I rather doubt any of my friends give a flying monkeys fuck what you call yourself either. Tongue

Quote:If I joined a christian forum, would anybody contest my claim, and if they did, would that be unusual?
Oh almost certainly. Mind you, you do get some odd people on Christian forums. Some of them would contest your claim if you claimed not to be demonically possessed.
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken."
Sith code
RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
(December 22, 2013 at 1:36 pm)Jacob(smooth) Wrote: Lets!Cheers!
Good for you.Cheers! Have a gold star.
Yeah, I could tell ROFLOL
Quote:If I joined a christian forum, would anybody contest my claim, and if they did, would that be unusual?
Oh almost certainly. Mind you, you do get some odd people on Christian forums. Some of them would contest your claim if you claimed not to be demonically possessed.

You continue to play distractions with the little smiley icons and the handing out of stars as if my sentences there were individual debate points. You knew that my description of myself was not an argument to convince you to "be like me" nor that my reference to prophet bestiality was anything but my literary device to defy and disgust those things that christians hold dear.

No, you falsely pretended to deflect the rather direct question as to why my claim to be a christian would not be just as derision-able as yours by making side jokes of every sentence.

You admitted that I would be called out as a non christian on a christian site, but deflected to imply that it was they who would be amiss because they might even additionally say that I would be possessed of demons.

You then claimed that you would not judge people who describe themselves as anything. You say it is "not your job." Well Why is it "your job" to discuss anything? Why would a christian's self delusional title claim be any different than any other theistic claim that you've heard questioned and debated on this board? Why do you think yourself exempt from having your hypocrisy pointed out to you?
Find the cure for Fundementia!
RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
[Image: silly-stalin-meme-generator-u-mad-komrad...645244.jpg]

Quote:You continue to play distractions with the little smiley icons and the handing out of stars as if my sentences there were individual debate points.
No, I don't think they could be considered "debate points" Tongue

Quote: You knew that my description of myself was not an argument to convince you to "be like me" nor that my reference to prophet bestiality was anything but my literary device to defy and disgust those things that christians hold dear.
Yeah, like I said, its to try to provoke a reaction (disgust). Its the equivalent of the "yo mama" Jokes. Quite funny actually in a juvenile sort of way.Tongue

Quote:No, you falsely pretended to deflect the rather direct question as to why my claim to be a christian would not be just as derision-able as yours by making side jokes of every sentence.

I pretended to deflect... as opposed to REALLY deflecting? Or pretending to answer?

I'll try again with smaller words.

You can claim to be whatever you want, its none of my business and I don't care.

I can claim to be whatever I want, its none of your business and you shouldn't care.

I honestly don't know how to make it any clearer to you.

Quote:You admitted that I would be called out as a non christian on a christian site, but deflected to imply that it was they who would be amiss because they might even additionally say that I would be possessed of demons.

No, I wasn't deflecting. Once again I'll try with smaller words. Ahem.

If someone called you a "non christian" on a christian site It WOULD be amiss... because its none of their business how you choose to define yourself.

Quote:You then claimed that you would not judge people who describe themselves as anything. You say it is "not your job." Well Why is it "your job" to discuss anything?

Oh its absolutely my job to discuss stuff! But, whatever views I may hold, I don't stomp around pouting and demanding that other people agree. Most especially if they are views about how someone else defines themselves.

Quote:Why would a christian's self delusional title claim be any different than any other theistic claim that you've heard questioned and debated on this board? Why do you think yourself exempt from having your hypocrisy pointed out to you?
As I said you are welcome to your viewTongue. I merely dispute your qualifications to tell me what I ought to call myself. I'm almost flattered that you take my self labeling so seriously!

Oh and sorry about the smilies. Thing is bro, you take yourself seriously enough for both of us! Big Grin
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken."
Sith code
RE: I Wonder How Good Fucking "God" Would Do If
Quote: I believe the teachings of Jesus, in particular the sermon on the mount, are for the most part beautiful, relevant and worth following.

Rogers: Well, blessed is just about everyone with a vested
interest in the status quo, if I'm right with you there, Reg?

Reg: Yeah, well, what Jesus quietly fails to appreciate is
that it's the meek who're the problem.

Judith: Yes, yes, absolutely Reg, yes, I see!

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