I wish to start a discussion about the existence of truth or the true.
I've found several definitions, none of which I prefer.
Dictionary.com: true=Being in accord with the actual state or conditions.
truth=the true or actual state of a matter
Meriam-Webster: truth=the state of being the case
Wikipedia: truth=in accord with fact or reality
My beef with each of these definitions is that they presume that there exists and we have access to the current state of reality.
I contend there are at least three observations which deny us direct access:
1) There is a processing lag in consciousness. Reality may have moved on
2) There is a lag in information transit across space
3) Our observations of reality could be counterfeited
As a result, I would like to propose an alternative definition for the community to critique.
Truth is a property of propositions whose magnitude varies in direct proportion with how well the propositions serve to accurately have predicted the future once it arrives.
An unfortunate corollary of this definition is that nothing is currently true. It can only have been proved to be true at some future time.
As I have had few (well, to be honest, not any) original substantial ideas, I welcome links or references to other sources of similar essence I may investigate.
I've found several definitions, none of which I prefer.
Dictionary.com: true=Being in accord with the actual state or conditions.
truth=the true or actual state of a matter
Meriam-Webster: truth=the state of being the case
Wikipedia: truth=in accord with fact or reality
My beef with each of these definitions is that they presume that there exists and we have access to the current state of reality.
I contend there are at least three observations which deny us direct access:
1) There is a processing lag in consciousness. Reality may have moved on
2) There is a lag in information transit across space
3) Our observations of reality could be counterfeited
As a result, I would like to propose an alternative definition for the community to critique.
Truth is a property of propositions whose magnitude varies in direct proportion with how well the propositions serve to accurately have predicted the future once it arrives.
An unfortunate corollary of this definition is that nothing is currently true. It can only have been proved to be true at some future time.
As I have had few (well, to be honest, not any) original substantial ideas, I welcome links or references to other sources of similar essence I may investigate.
So how, exactly, does God know that She's NOT a brain in a vat?