RE: California Proposition 8
December 20, 2008 at 1:22 am
Lol. "Respectable" was definitely the wrong word. You're certainly not an unrespectable atheist as far as I can tell! I just had trouble searching for the right word there...that was the best I could come up with lol. What was the word I needed? I remember thinking to myself "What's the word I'm searching for". Lol

All I mean is... an atheist who is knowledgeable about the skeptics annotated Koran and book of Mormon. OR more people who express your view.
I wasn't including you lol. I just mean I want to get more opinions so I can make sure the decision is right.
I'm pretty sure you're right you see. Even before I asked I was pretty sure the books were correct.
I'm just making sure just in case. To be careful, so I don't mess up. I'd hate to quote to believers stuff that wasn't correct or too out of context. I'd feel bad. Even a bit of a hypocrite perhaps! Lol.
Perhaps its me being obsessive compulsive again. But there's no hard in checking lol

I do respect your opinion of course. But maybe I need more, to be sure - OR someone who knows if the Skeptic Annotated Koran and Book of Mormon are correct. Because you seem to have some doubts as do I. However small. I want to be for sure

(not absolute though, don't get me started on that

. I Just want to be confident