If christians would you know grow the fuck up and actually did good things like the bible tells them too with the exclusion of the things that are immoral today
they would fine. Even a pastor said once a Atheist is a better christian than christians are and we are because we are decent fucking human beings that look
out for one another. And with christianity and christians they don't give two shits about their fellow man they really don't because looking at it they are for self
gain and selfishness and overall looking at the GOP that is the extermism of it and you have these people who claim persecution when they are really not.
Joshua Furstein calling out Obama saying that there is a christian holocost and he has to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers on youtube, christians are
the majority and yes they are dying out same with all religion in america as well. It's thins like this and religion in general needs to go away so something
like a pleasant religion or even a religion that is accepting of science and a religion that has no gods to actually flourish. Because when it comes down to it
it is people like this who keep this absurd bronze age thinking into the modern age and it doesn't fit in.
they would fine. Even a pastor said once a Atheist is a better christian than christians are and we are because we are decent fucking human beings that look
out for one another. And with christianity and christians they don't give two shits about their fellow man they really don't because looking at it they are for self
gain and selfishness and overall looking at the GOP that is the extermism of it and you have these people who claim persecution when they are really not.
Joshua Furstein calling out Obama saying that there is a christian holocost and he has to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers on youtube, christians are
the majority and yes they are dying out same with all religion in america as well. It's thins like this and religion in general needs to go away so something
like a pleasant religion or even a religion that is accepting of science and a religion that has no gods to actually flourish. Because when it comes down to it
it is people like this who keep this absurd bronze age thinking into the modern age and it doesn't fit in.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization join today.
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