A friend of mine home-schools her children. Unlike most, she home-schools them to keep them away from religion. She is part of a small group of Atheist home-schoolers, and the children meet for regular field trips to museums, etc., which gives them some socialization. Most of the mothers/teachers have the minimum of an Education Bachelors, and they seem to be doing a lovely job.
In a group writing assignment, they were asked to provide a Job Posting ad, searching for somebody who exists in current myth (superhero, vampire, witch, Santa, Easter Bunny, etc.) and describe the job we need them to fill. They had to provide a minimum of 3 tasks needed for the interview, and 3 for the job.
14-year-old Layna just e-mailed me this. I think it's pretty fun, and well crafted for a 14-year old. What do you guys think?
Job Opening: Deity
Employer: Earth (3rd planet from Sol, Outer arm, Milky Way Galaxy)
Qualifications: Proficiency in healing, teleportation, psy abilities, omniscience and omnipotence. Applicant must be a dynamic public speaker, as the job is primarily public relations. Gender, race, species unimportant.
Interview: the applicant should be prepared to:
1) Provide proof to the human race regarding the existence or non-existence of a “soul”.
1a) If the soul is proven to exist, provide a clear description of what happens to that entity after human death.
2) Perform an instantaneous healing. Test subject will be provided by the search committee.
3) Demonstrate teleportation skills.
4) Provide convincing evidence of fairness of judgement and a benevolent nature.
5) Provide governing bodies of countries with a foolproof means of banishing you from office should you ever behave in any manner that is harmful to humankind.
Job Description:
Travel: public speaking tours. Publicly bestow health and peace upon caring humans who work to better humanity. Publicly administer punishment to all corrupt clergy and politicians. Protect those who are defenseless. Work occasional miracles. (Examples: provide assistance re: drought, famine, disaster, etc.) Permanently, worldwide, eradicate religious conflict, poverty and hunger, and all types of violent crime.
Salary: Fame, plus a 1% earnings tithe from every employed human being.
Start date: Immediate
In a group writing assignment, they were asked to provide a Job Posting ad, searching for somebody who exists in current myth (superhero, vampire, witch, Santa, Easter Bunny, etc.) and describe the job we need them to fill. They had to provide a minimum of 3 tasks needed for the interview, and 3 for the job.
14-year-old Layna just e-mailed me this. I think it's pretty fun, and well crafted for a 14-year old. What do you guys think?

Job Opening: Deity
Employer: Earth (3rd planet from Sol, Outer arm, Milky Way Galaxy)
Qualifications: Proficiency in healing, teleportation, psy abilities, omniscience and omnipotence. Applicant must be a dynamic public speaker, as the job is primarily public relations. Gender, race, species unimportant.
Interview: the applicant should be prepared to:
1) Provide proof to the human race regarding the existence or non-existence of a “soul”.
1a) If the soul is proven to exist, provide a clear description of what happens to that entity after human death.
2) Perform an instantaneous healing. Test subject will be provided by the search committee.
3) Demonstrate teleportation skills.
4) Provide convincing evidence of fairness of judgement and a benevolent nature.
5) Provide governing bodies of countries with a foolproof means of banishing you from office should you ever behave in any manner that is harmful to humankind.
Job Description:
Travel: public speaking tours. Publicly bestow health and peace upon caring humans who work to better humanity. Publicly administer punishment to all corrupt clergy and politicians. Protect those who are defenseless. Work occasional miracles. (Examples: provide assistance re: drought, famine, disaster, etc.) Permanently, worldwide, eradicate religious conflict, poverty and hunger, and all types of violent crime.
Salary: Fame, plus a 1% earnings tithe from every employed human being.
Start date: Immediate
"The family that prays together...is brainwashing their children."- Albert Einstein