Däniken, Erich Von Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past 1.9
Darnton, Robert The Case for Books

Gates, Bill The Road Ahead 4.67
Rather, Dan The Camera Never Blinks: Adventures of a TV Journalist 70.40924
Brown, Jackson Life's Little Instruction Book Volume II 81
Northcutt, Wendy The Darwin Awards: Evolution in Action 81
Seldes, George The Great Thoughts 82
Fulghum, Robert All I really Need to Know, I learned in Kindergarten 128
Cousineau, Phil Soul: An Archaeology - Readings from Socrates to Ray Charles 128.1
Wade, Carole & Tarvis, Carol Psychology 5th Edition 150
Wilber, Ken Integral Psychology: Consiousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy 150
Slater, Lauren Opening Skinner's Box 150.72
Kutash, Irwin L. Handbook on Stress and Anxiety 152.4
Gardner, Howard Creating Minds 153.350922
Shulman, Lee M. Subliminal: The New Channel to Personal Power 153.736
Freud, Signumd Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners 154.63
Freud, Signumd On Dreams 154.63
Johnson, Spencer Who Moved my Cheese? 155.24
Cox, Sue Female Psychology: The Emerging Self 155.633
Covey, Stephen R. First Things First 158.1
Fields, Rick The Awakened Warrior 158.1
Lunden, Joan Wake-Up Calls: Making the most of Every Day 158.1
Bennett-Goleman, Tara Emotional Alchemy: How the Mind can Heal the Heart 158.12
Plato Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo 184
Plato The Last Days of Socrates 184
Dawkins, Richard The God Delusion 211.8
Hitchens, Christopher God is not great: How Religion poisons everything 211.8
International Bible Society Holy Bible: New International Version 220.52
American Bible Society The Backpack Bible: The New International Version 220.520812
Stedman, Ray C. Adventuring Through the Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to the... 220.61
Jewish Publication Society of America The Torah 222.1052
Jewish Publication Society of America The JPS Bible 222.35
American Bible Society The New Testament in Today's English Version 225.52
American Bible Society New Testament: Contemporary English Version 225.5208
Laurie, Greg How to Find God: Compact New Testament 225.5208
Barclay, William The Gospel of Mark 226.4077
Barclay, William The Gospel of Luke 226.4077
Petty, Jo Apples of Gold 248.4
Moore, Beth So Long, Insecurity 248.843
Swihart, Phillip J. & Wooten, Wilford The First Five Years of Marriage: Launching a Lifelong, ... 248.844
LDS Publication The Book of Mormon 289.322
Noble, Vicki & Tenney, Jonathan The Motherpeace Tarot Playbook 291.211
Hamilton, Edith Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes 292.13
Hagen, Steve Buddhism: Plain and Simple 294.342
McIntyre, Lisa The Practical Skeptic: Readings in Sociology 301
Nathanson, Bernard N. Aborting America 301
Salzman, Zdenek Anthropology 301.2
Vander Zanden, James W. Sociology 301
Katherine, Anne Boundaries: Where you end, and I begin 302
Miller, Mark Crispin Boxed in: (The Culture of TV) 302.2340973
Gilbert, Bill & King, Larry How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere 302.346
Sheehy, Gail New Passages: Mapping Your Life Across Time 305.24
Mansfield, Harvey G. Manliness 305.31
Faludi, Susan Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women 305.420973
Moaveni, Azaden Honeymoon in Tehran 305.4889155
Rothenberg, Paula S. Race, Class and Gender in the United States 305.800973
Asim, Jabari The N Word: Wo can say it, who shouldn't, and why 305.896073
Pipher, Mary The Middle of Everywhere 305.90691
Toffler, Alvin Future Shock 306.09
O'Reilly, Terry & Tennant, Mike The Age of Persuasion: How Marketing Ate Our Culture 306.34
Klein, Naomi The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism 306.342
Cosby, Bill Love and Marriage 306.70207
Bloomingdale, Teresa Murphy Must Have Been a Mother! (And other Laws I live by) 306.87
Ali, Nujood I am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced 306.872
Wahls, Zach My Two Moms 306.8740866
Chudacoff, Howard P. Major Problems in American Urban History 307.760973
Shulsky, Abram N. Silent Warfare: Understanding the World of Intelligence 327.12
Moran, Lindsay Blowing my Cover: My Life as a CIA Spy 327.120924
Kinzer, Stephen Overthrow 327.73009
Worthen, Molly The Man on Whom Nothing Was Lost 327.730092
Mearsheimer, John J. The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy 327.7305694
More, Sir Thomas Utopia 335.02
Marx, Karl The Communist Manifesto 335.422
Friedman, Thomas L. Understanding Globalization: The Lexus and the Olive Tree 337
Schlosser, Eric Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of an All-American Meal 338.1973
Weber, Karl Food, Inc. 338.4766401
Various Authors We The People: The Citizen and the Constitution 342.73
Wallace, Jonathan & Managar, Mark Sex, Laws and Cyber Space 345.730268
Scheck, Barry Actual Innocence 347.7312
Army Headquarters The Soldier's Guide 355
Tzu, Sun The Art of War 355.02
Bacevich, Andrew Washington Rules: Americas Path to Permanent War 355.033573
Weinberger, Sharon Imaginary Weapons 355.070973
Musashi, Miyamoto The Book of Five Rings 355.547
Blehm, Eric Fearless 359.984092
Crichton, Michael Five Patients 362.1109746
Butler, Blake Nothing: A Portrait of Insomnia 362.1968498
De Becker, Gavin The Gift of Fear 362.88
Nathanson, Bernard N. The Abortion Papers: Inside the Abortion Mentality 363.46
Anastasia, George The Last Gangster 364.1060975
Maas, Peter Underboss: Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano's Story... 364.1092
Capote, Truman In Cold Blood 364.152
Cawthorne, Nigel Killers At Large: The Greatest Unsolved Cases of Serial Killers 364.152308
Brenner, Claudia Eight Bullets: One Woman's Story of Surviving anti-gay Violence 364.1523092
Van Hoffman, Eric A Venom in the Blood: ...Husband-and-Wife Serial Killers... 364.1523092
Kerr, Gordon Professional Killers 364.1523092
Hammer, Richard Beyond Obsession: A chilling account of Love, Abuse & Murder 364.1523097
Russel, Sue Lethal Intent 364.1523098
McDonald, Hugh C. Appointment in Dallas 364.1524
Michaud, Stephen G. & Hazelwood, Roy The Evil that Men Do 364.1530973
Mortenson, Greg & Relin, David Oliver Three Cups of Tea 371.8220955
Mortenson, Greg Stones into Schools 371.823421
Hooper, Van Scenic Ideals 394
Spence, Lewis The History of Atlantis 398.23
Kincaid, Eric Mother Goose Nursery Rymes 398.8
Feldman, David Who Put the Butter in Butterfly? 422
Colin, P. H. Webster's Concise Desk Dictionary 423
Multiple Authors A Student's Dictionary 423
Roget, Peter Roget's Pocket Thesaurus 423
Webster Webster's New World Pocket Dictionary: Fourth Edition 423
Shertzer, Margaret The Elements of Grammar 428.2
Kendris, Christopher & Kendris, Theodore 501 Spanish Verbs 468.2421
O'Brien, M. A. Russian-English Dictionary 491.732
Waldstein, A. S. English-Hebrew Dictionary 492.4
Al-Tonsi, Abbas Alif Baa Al-Kitaab Arabic Language Program 492.78
Paulos, John Allen Innumeracy: Mathematical Illetaracy and its Consequences 510
Berlinski, David The Advent of the Algorithm 511.8
Hamilton, Samuel Hamilton's Essentials of Arithmetic Middle Grades 513
Hawking, Stephen On the Shoulders of Giants 520
Lewellen, John Bryan Moon, Sun and Stars 523.2
Binder, Otto The Moon: Our Neighboring World 523.3
Prothero, Donald R. & Dott Jr, Robert H. Evolution of the Earth: Seventh Edition 551.7
Stanley, Steven M. Earth System History Second Edition 551.7
Cox, Dennis P. & Cox, Helen R. Geology Principles and Concepts 551.77
Darwin, Charles On the Origin of Species 576.82
Childs, Craig The Animal Dialogues 590
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals 591.51
Martin, Richard Animals and their Travels 591.52
Peterson, David Airplanes 602
Elsevier, Mosby Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions 610.3
Johnson, Richard J. The Sugar Fix 612.396
Stonecypher Jr., D. D. Getting Older & Staying Young: A Doctor's Prescription for... 613.0438
Multiple Authors The Calorie King 613.23
Pawlak, Laura The Hungry Brain 613.25
De Becker, Gavin Fear Less 613.69
Sell, Christina Yoga from the Inside Out 613.7046
Gavin, Joyce & McKane, Walter Ten Minute Pilates: For Health and Harmony 613.71
Barry, John M. The Great Influenza 614.5180904
Preston, Richard The Hot Zone 614.57
Elsevier, Mosby Mosby's Textbook for Medication Assistants 615.1071
Garber, Kathy A Mother's Guide to Herbal Extracts 615.321
Skidmore, Steve Poison Beware! Be an Expert Poison Spotter 615.9
Paterniti, Michael Driving Mr. Albert: A Trip across America with Einstein's Brain 616.07092
Nuland, Sherwin B. How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter 616.078
Arem, Ridha The Thyroid Solution 616.44
Dumont, Raeann The Sky is Falling 616.8522
Hare, Robert D. Without Conscience 616.8582
Stephens, Edward Submarines: The Story of Underwater Craft 623.8257
Friskey, Margaret Space Shuttles 629.441
Dash, Mike Tulipomania 635.93432
Jordan, William A Cat named Darwin 636.8
Siegal, Mordecai Simon and Schuster's Guide to Cats 636.8
Edwards, Alan The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Cats, Cat Breeds, and Cat Care 636.8003
Mancini, Julie Guinea Pigs 636.93592
Campbell Soup Comedy Microwave Cookbook 641
Fairsound Corp. Wokmaster: Homestyle Chinese Cooking 641
Irwin, Gretta Cooking with Turkey: 150+ Delicious Turkey Recipes 641
Jumbo Jack's Cookbooks Cookin' With the Chargers, Class of 2010 641
Life Extenstion Institute What to Eat 641
Morris Press Refreshments with Permission... 641
Omaha Steaks Company Great Gather Guide and Cookbook 641
Brenner, Leslie Fear of Wine: An Introductory Guide to the Grape 641.22
Page, Susan Wine Encyclopedia 641.2203
Thorn, Jon The Coffee Companion 641.3373
Coe, Sophie D. & Coe, Michael D. The True History of Chocolate 641.3374
Sam's Club Fresh, Fast and Fabulous: A collection of simple, satisfying meals 641.5
Williams, Jaqueline B. & Silverman, Goldie No Salt, No Sugar, No Fat Cookbook 641.5632
McDow III, Thomas F. Wild about Southwest Cooking 641.5979
Lobel, M. Meat: how to buy, store, prepare.... 641.66
Methven, Barbara Microwaving Meats 641.66
Dannenberg, Linda Paris Boulangerie Patisserie: Recipes from Thirteen Bakeries 641.71
Davis, Detra Delaney How to Start a Home-Based Bakery Business 641.815
Publications International LTD Easy Cut-Up Party Cakes 641.8653
James, John & Baldwin, Dan Restaurant Management 647.95068
Adams, Scott The Dilbert Principle 650.13
Van Ekeren, Glenn 12 Simple Secrets to Staying Calm in a Crazy World 650.14
McEwen, William J. Married to the Brand: Why Consumers Bond with some brands... 658.8343
Haines, Reyne Warman's Watches: Field Guide 681.114075
Groening, S. Vance Simpsons: Comics Extravanganza 741.5973
Larson, Gary The Far Side 741.5973
Larson, Gary The Far Side Gallery 2 741.5973
Larson, Gary The Far Side Gallery 3 741.5973
Larson, Gary The Far Side Gallery 5 741.5973
Larson, Gary The Chickens are Restless: A Far Side Collection 741.5973
Larson, Gary The Pre-History of the Far Side 741.5973
Watts, Alan The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are 745.542
Ward, Margarete Gon Hee Fot Choy: Book of Fortune 745.542
Sinatra, Tina My Father's Daughter 782.4216409
Andrews, Julie Home: A Memoir of My Early Years 791.4028092
Madsen, Alex The Sewing Circle 791.4302809
Fonda, Henry Fonda: My Life 791.4302809
Nimoy,Leonard I Am Spock 791.4502809
Archer, Sterling How to Archer 791.4572
Davis, Jim Garfield as Himself 791.4575
U.S. Playing Card Co. Official Rules of Card Games (65th Edition) 795.4
Kubis, Pat & Howland, Bob The Completed Guide to Writing Fiction and Non-Fiction 808.02
Lundsford, Andrea A. The Everyday Writer: Fourth Edition 808.042
Legman, G. The Limerick 808.818
Tyler, Chris An Evolving Secret: The National Library of Poetry 811
Various Authors Illuminations Volume 13 2012 811
Various Authors Mother Goose Nursery Rymes 811
Neihardt, John G A Cycle of the West 811
Frost, Robert New Enlarged Anthology of: Robert Frost's Poems 811.52
Cahill, Susan Women Write 813.08
Poe, Edgar Allen Selected Poetry and Prose of Poe 813.32
Grizzard, Lewis If I ever get back to Georgia 815.54
Grizzard, Lewis Don't Bend over in the Garden, Granny... 814.54
Rooney, Andrew A. Sweet and Sour 814.54
White, E. B. & White, K. S. A Subtreasury of American Humor 817.0822
Marquis, Don Archy and Mehitabel 817.5
Carlin, George Napalm and Silly Putty 818.5402
Carlin, George Brain Droppings 818.5402
Cook, Roy J. (Compiled by) One Hundred and One Famous Poems 820.82
Browing, Robert Selected Poems 821.8
Browing, Robert Poems of Robert Browing 821.8
Shakespeare, William Twelfth Night 822.33
Shakespeare, William Four Comedies: The Tempest, Twelfth Night, ... As you Like it. 822.33
Shakespeare, William Hamlet 822.33
Shakespeare, William Henry VI: Parts I, II and III 822.33
Shakespeare, William The Merchant of Venice 822.33
Shakespeare, William Romeo and Juliet 822.33
Shakespeare, William As You Like It 822.33
Shaw, George Bernard Arms and the Man 822.912
Pollack, Pam Who is J. K. Rowling? 823.914
Rostand, Edmond Cyrano de Bergerac 842.8
Beschloss, Michael The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev 1960-1963 909.826
Barber, Benjamin R. Jihad vs. McWorld (Terrorism's Challenge to Democracy) 909.829
Crichton, Michael Travels 910.4
Dumas, Firoozeh Laughing Without an Accent: Adventures of a Global Citizen 910.4
Gilbert, Elizabeth Eat, Pray, Love 910.4092
Landsberg, Alan & Landsburg, Sally In Search of Ancient Mysteries 913
Delaney, Mary Murray Of Irish Ways 914.1503
Corbino, Jon The Travels of Marco Polo The Venetian 915.042
Jenkins, Peter A Walk Across America 917.30492
Raban, Jonathan Passage to Juneau: A Sea and its Meanings 917.982
Holliday, Laurel Why do they hate me? Young lives caught in War and Conflict 920
Kelly, Charles Gunshots in another Room 920
Plutarch Greek Lives 920.0495
Chang, Julie Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China 920.051
Belozerskaya, Marina To Wake the Dead 930.1
Spindler, Konrad The Man in the Ice 937.3
Hamilton, Edith The Greek Way to Western Civilization 938
McMahon, Sean A Short History of Ireland 941.5
Lehane, Brendan The Great Cities: Dublin 941.835
Firholz, Rosalie Rosalie: Une Enfance a La Ferme 944.38
Solovyov, Vladimir & Klepikova, Elena Yuri Andropov: A Secret Passage into the Kremlin 947.0854092
Clancy, Tom Into the Storm 956.70442
Wright, Ann & Dixon, Susan Dissent: Voices of Conscience 956.70443
Linderer, Gary A. Eyes Behind the Lines 959.7043373
Cooper, Helene The House at Sugar Beach 966.6203
Jackson, Donald (Editor) Blackhawk: An Autobiography 967.73053
Brinkly, Alan The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People 973
Divine, Robert A; Breen, T. H. The American Story: To 1877 973
Garraty, John A. The American Nation: A History of the United States Since 1865 973
D'Souza, Dinesh What's so Great about America 973
Mendelsohn, Daniel The Lost: In search of Six Million 973.0492401
Harwell, Richard B. The Civil War Reader 973.7
Connell, Evan S. Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Big Horn 973.82
Elliot, Michael A. Custerology 973.82092
Berendt, John Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 975.8724
Hawkins, Martha Finding Martha's Place 976.147063
Hall, Ron Some Kind of Different as Me 976.4531506
Holmes, Kenneth L. Covered Wagon Women 978
Steffen, Jerome The American West 978.0072
Frazier, Ian On The Rez 978.366
Noble, David Grant An Archaeological Guide: Ancient Ruins of the Southwest 979.01
Steiger, Brad Irene Hughes on Psychic Safari B133.80924
Melville, Annabelle M. A definitive life of: Elizabeth Bayley Seton B271.9102
Robison, John Elder Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's B362.19685883
Bova, Joyce Don't Ask Forever: My Love Affair with Elvis B785.42166092
Vonnegut, Kurt Fates Worse Than Death: An Autobiographical Collage B813.54
Nafisi, Azar Reading Lolita in Tehran B820.9
Bell, Quentin Virginia Woolf: A Biography B823.912
Franklin, Benjamin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin B973.3092
Santos, John Phillip Places Left Unfinished at the Time of Creation B976.43510046