(June 13, 2010 at 7:04 am)Pippy Wrote: Do you guys believe there are no gods, hold the opinion there are no gods, or just plain old fashion know as much?
In my opinion there are no such thing as Gods. I think in most cases "God" is an imaginary security blanket. Things like being one small person in a massive universe, seeking forgiveness for wrongs committed without facing the real victim, and the inevitability of death, are dealt with by looking to some omnipotent being. I think believing that allows a person to establish an imaginary sense of control over the world by 'praying' for things to happen in their favour. You can also soothe a guilty conscious simply by praying for forgiveness, rather than actually face the person you have wronged or trying to set it right. Also, it turns death into a gateway into an imaginary utopia. The virtue of blindly adhering to an illogical belief despite a total lack of evidence is rewarded with nothing less than eternal paradise. However, those who commit the heinous crime of asking questions and thinking things through go to a much deserved eternal torture chamber. This is also handy for a believer whose confidence might be low, because there is always a reminder that you are better than anyone who has not 'earned' a place in the paradise you obviously deserve.