The mind is part of the body, the control center if you will. Of course it has an effect on the whole body. We can, just by thought, affect a bunch of systems both directly (like breathing) and indirectly (like heart rate) by just the power of thought.
This is where the not-well-understood placebo effect comes in. If you believe something works and you have a positive attitude to something otherwise non-factory effect (sugar pills, acupuncture and other woo), it's been shown to positively affect stuff like immune response, just because you believe it to work and get a well-being in thinking so. Does that mean our brains has some special control on our bodies or that acupuncture works? Hell no. Just means that our brains has a very potent effect on our bodies, by simply the power of thought and feeling.
This is where the not-well-understood placebo effect comes in. If you believe something works and you have a positive attitude to something otherwise non-factory effect (sugar pills, acupuncture and other woo), it's been shown to positively affect stuff like immune response, just because you believe it to work and get a well-being in thinking so. Does that mean our brains has some special control on our bodies or that acupuncture works? Hell no. Just means that our brains has a very potent effect on our bodies, by simply the power of thought and feeling.