We hear it often, we are atheists because we don’t want to follow God, because we reject God, because God, God, God, we are bad people. I find all of these things to be laughably, often intentionally ignorant.
Me being an atheist has nothing whatsoever to do with God, oddly enough. God doesn’t come into it at all. If you think about it, that makes perfect sense. I don’t believe in God, so of course he wouldn’t come into it. I don’t have some opinion of the Tooth Fairy which is the reason for me not believing in it. I didn’t reject Santa Claus, I don’t hate him, I don’t have anything against him, I just don’t believe he’s real.
For me, atheism is not something I chose, it’s a conclusion I reached. I seriously contemplated the existence of, specifically, the Christian God (I’m American. Why would I bother with any of those “fake gods”, after all?). I talked with people of different faiths. I listened to what they had to say. I read the Bible. I thought about it. I didn’t “reject God”. I didn’t get angry at God. I didn’t decide that I didn’t want to obey God. I just came to the conclusion that it was all made up. It’s really that simple.
The idea that I don’t want to obey God is particularly laughable to me. I rarely drink, even though I could by most Christian faiths and, of course, the Bible is actually not against consuming alcohol. I don’t do drugs. I don’t rape donkeys. I don’t kill people. Mostly I get up, I go to work, I go home, I eat dinner, I watch some TV, I go to bed, I rinse and I repeat. That is essentially my life. By most Christian faiths, God doesn’t have a problem with any of that. All I would have to do would be to go to church now and then and give away some of my money. It really wouldn’t be a big deal. My daily activities would hardly change at all. By even the extreme Christian beliefs there are only 3 things I would have to do. One, I would have to stop smoking. Okay. I want to anyway. Two, I would have to stop drinking. I don’t even like alcohol. I don’t care. Three, I would have to stop looking at boobies occasionally. If my wife showed me hers more often I probably wouldn’t anyway. It would not be a tough, life-altering change. I would have no problem following the rules laid out by even an extreme religion. I already follow most of them.
So no, I did not “reject God”. It’s not that the rules he laid down are so tough that I just can’t bring myself to follow them. I’m not angry at God any more than I was angry at Santa Claus when I didn’t get that one super-special Christmas gift I wanted at age 12. I simply don’t believe. It’s a simple and straight forward as that. There is no conspiracy. There is no secret shame. There is no desire. In fact, I would like eternal happiness with my family without the complications of life as we know it. That would be super cool. I just don’t believe it’s real and I’m not going to pretend I do just because I want it to be real.
I do take exception to some of the portrayals of God. The idea that he would light me on fire for all eternity for nothing more than being tricked by the devil he set loose on me, I have a problem with that. The idea that I am somehow complicit in “original sin”, which wouldn’t have happened in the first place if he hadn’t hired Satan to babysit his newborns, I have a problem with that. I don’t see these things as “moral”. I see them as the actions of a monster. But I don’t choose what I want to be moral and what I want to not be moral any more than I choose who to be attracted to. These things just don’t seem moral to me. They make the whole story not make sense, contributing to my disbelief.
In my entire life I have never seen magic by any name, be it spells or miracles. I have known many to claim magical things. My nephew was married to a woman who could point out all the haunted houses in a big city. She could “feel it”. For the record, I thought she was just nuts. She didn’t show me any magic, she just claimed to have it and know about it. And that’s what every claim has been like. The guy who used to sell me magic books back when I was into it told me he couldn’t “show me” magic, but he still “knew” it was real. And Christians can never “show me” miracles, but they “know” they’re real. All these people making similar claims, why should I believe that any one of them is right while the rest are bullshit? In short, I shouldn’t. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, it’s probably a duck, right? What legitimate reason could someone possibly give me for believing JUST THEIR magical claims while discounting all others as ridiculous? Especially when their claim sounds EXACTLY the same.
So I don’t “reject God” so much as the idea of God, because, from my perspective, there is no God to reject. It’s just a magical idea, like so many others we have all been rejecting our entire lives. It’s only special because people think it’s special, like any other idea that some people think is special and others do not. It’s no different to me than a 9/11 conspiracy, Bigfoot, crop circles… It’s just something that some people think is really something, but can’t back with any real evidence, so they resort instead to “arguments”, which they mistake for being the same as “evidence”. Ideas aren’t special just because the one who has them wants them to be. They’re special when there’s something to them. Every holder of every woo idea out there thinks his or hers to be particularly special because they have meaning to them, and they think that I’m ignorant because those ideas don’t have the same meaning to me. So they make up insults disguised as explanations and they label me with them. On UFO forums I am a “septic skeptic”, for instance, while in religious conversations I “reject God”. It’s a way of saying “I AM RIGHT!” without actually saying it. After all, how can I reject a God which doesn’t exist?
Me being an atheist has nothing whatsoever to do with God, oddly enough. God doesn’t come into it at all. If you think about it, that makes perfect sense. I don’t believe in God, so of course he wouldn’t come into it. I don’t have some opinion of the Tooth Fairy which is the reason for me not believing in it. I didn’t reject Santa Claus, I don’t hate him, I don’t have anything against him, I just don’t believe he’s real.
For me, atheism is not something I chose, it’s a conclusion I reached. I seriously contemplated the existence of, specifically, the Christian God (I’m American. Why would I bother with any of those “fake gods”, after all?). I talked with people of different faiths. I listened to what they had to say. I read the Bible. I thought about it. I didn’t “reject God”. I didn’t get angry at God. I didn’t decide that I didn’t want to obey God. I just came to the conclusion that it was all made up. It’s really that simple.
The idea that I don’t want to obey God is particularly laughable to me. I rarely drink, even though I could by most Christian faiths and, of course, the Bible is actually not against consuming alcohol. I don’t do drugs. I don’t rape donkeys. I don’t kill people. Mostly I get up, I go to work, I go home, I eat dinner, I watch some TV, I go to bed, I rinse and I repeat. That is essentially my life. By most Christian faiths, God doesn’t have a problem with any of that. All I would have to do would be to go to church now and then and give away some of my money. It really wouldn’t be a big deal. My daily activities would hardly change at all. By even the extreme Christian beliefs there are only 3 things I would have to do. One, I would have to stop smoking. Okay. I want to anyway. Two, I would have to stop drinking. I don’t even like alcohol. I don’t care. Three, I would have to stop looking at boobies occasionally. If my wife showed me hers more often I probably wouldn’t anyway. It would not be a tough, life-altering change. I would have no problem following the rules laid out by even an extreme religion. I already follow most of them.
So no, I did not “reject God”. It’s not that the rules he laid down are so tough that I just can’t bring myself to follow them. I’m not angry at God any more than I was angry at Santa Claus when I didn’t get that one super-special Christmas gift I wanted at age 12. I simply don’t believe. It’s a simple and straight forward as that. There is no conspiracy. There is no secret shame. There is no desire. In fact, I would like eternal happiness with my family without the complications of life as we know it. That would be super cool. I just don’t believe it’s real and I’m not going to pretend I do just because I want it to be real.
I do take exception to some of the portrayals of God. The idea that he would light me on fire for all eternity for nothing more than being tricked by the devil he set loose on me, I have a problem with that. The idea that I am somehow complicit in “original sin”, which wouldn’t have happened in the first place if he hadn’t hired Satan to babysit his newborns, I have a problem with that. I don’t see these things as “moral”. I see them as the actions of a monster. But I don’t choose what I want to be moral and what I want to not be moral any more than I choose who to be attracted to. These things just don’t seem moral to me. They make the whole story not make sense, contributing to my disbelief.
In my entire life I have never seen magic by any name, be it spells or miracles. I have known many to claim magical things. My nephew was married to a woman who could point out all the haunted houses in a big city. She could “feel it”. For the record, I thought she was just nuts. She didn’t show me any magic, she just claimed to have it and know about it. And that’s what every claim has been like. The guy who used to sell me magic books back when I was into it told me he couldn’t “show me” magic, but he still “knew” it was real. And Christians can never “show me” miracles, but they “know” they’re real. All these people making similar claims, why should I believe that any one of them is right while the rest are bullshit? In short, I shouldn’t. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, it’s probably a duck, right? What legitimate reason could someone possibly give me for believing JUST THEIR magical claims while discounting all others as ridiculous? Especially when their claim sounds EXACTLY the same.
So I don’t “reject God” so much as the idea of God, because, from my perspective, there is no God to reject. It’s just a magical idea, like so many others we have all been rejecting our entire lives. It’s only special because people think it’s special, like any other idea that some people think is special and others do not. It’s no different to me than a 9/11 conspiracy, Bigfoot, crop circles… It’s just something that some people think is really something, but can’t back with any real evidence, so they resort instead to “arguments”, which they mistake for being the same as “evidence”. Ideas aren’t special just because the one who has them wants them to be. They’re special when there’s something to them. Every holder of every woo idea out there thinks his or hers to be particularly special because they have meaning to them, and they think that I’m ignorant because those ideas don’t have the same meaning to me. So they make up insults disguised as explanations and they label me with them. On UFO forums I am a “septic skeptic”, for instance, while in religious conversations I “reject God”. It’s a way of saying “I AM RIGHT!” without actually saying it. After all, how can I reject a God which doesn’t exist?
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