All of you fail once again by not using logic.

But let us talk about facts first.
It is a fact that human are not only made of flesh.
The body-brain is a vehicle that the consciousness need and use to carry the task of progressing.
So if the body serve the master consciousness there can not be any progress in the physical-material arena.
It is also a fact that the physical-material human side is unable to bring a permanent
state of peace of mind considering that enjoyment coming from this side are not permanent and therefore need to be repeated again and again.
So now we only got the consciousness left to bring a state of permanent peace of mind and it certainly can as has already been demonstrated by thousand of NDEs and it is not necessary to die first.
Anybody who is smart enough to understand how the system works can enjoy a permanent state of bliss
and peace of mind right during this present life.
All this follow a logic line build on facts.
Facts are here and there to establish that all this is logic.
If instead you guys keep on believing that the consciousness is a product of the brain and with the physical death is all over then you will never be able to sort out how the whole system works and
will keep on floating in the ocean of dogmas where logic is totally absent.