As with the claimed existence of god, isn't the burden of proof on you?
So I would love to see some credible books and encyclopedias saying that Jesus DID exist. THE BIBLE is an example of something which is not credible.
Truth is when looking at records for that long ago there is always going to be doubt about truths and details, but you would think a guy going around walking on water, curing diseases and raising from the dead would cause enough of a stir that there would be more than the usual amount of evidence for a normal person around that time.
Even if we except he did exist, where outside of the bible does the world ever talk of his amazing magical tricks? Logically you have to say they never happened. Then if you go as far to except that the things he did do we're possible you then have to ignore that biblical accounts of a man called Jesus rehashes things used in previous stories/religions such as virgin births and raising from the dead.
So Jesus as the bible teaches did long as you over look the difficulties in using records so old to prove the existence of one person, ignore the lack of records talking of his powers, also decide to believe that all the stories pre-bible that are similar in content to what Jesus does were just coincidences and then also put faith in the idea that he is the son of god whilst having absolutely ZERO evidence to back that up.
So I would love to see some credible books and encyclopedias saying that Jesus DID exist. THE BIBLE is an example of something which is not credible.
Truth is when looking at records for that long ago there is always going to be doubt about truths and details, but you would think a guy going around walking on water, curing diseases and raising from the dead would cause enough of a stir that there would be more than the usual amount of evidence for a normal person around that time.
Even if we except he did exist, where outside of the bible does the world ever talk of his amazing magical tricks? Logically you have to say they never happened. Then if you go as far to except that the things he did do we're possible you then have to ignore that biblical accounts of a man called Jesus rehashes things used in previous stories/religions such as virgin births and raising from the dead.
So Jesus as the bible teaches did long as you over look the difficulties in using records so old to prove the existence of one person, ignore the lack of records talking of his powers, also decide to believe that all the stories pre-bible that are similar in content to what Jesus does were just coincidences and then also put faith in the idea that he is the son of god whilst having absolutely ZERO evidence to back that up.