I was brought up as an atheist, by my non-theist Grandfather, who has very limited scientific background. When I asked him such of the big questions when I was younger, I'd get replies such as, 'there was a Big Bang' or 'we came from monkeys', which can be very misleading to a small child. When I started school, I took my first religion class, and was "informed about God". I was convinced I knew the answer to everything and it was quite disappointing, when I got home, and was punished for believing in a deity. Over the years I have listened to my Granddad's ritualistic rants about the 'brainwashed terrorists' of religion, and frankly although I believe most religions to be illogical, through my own self-education, I don't really appreciate his attacks on other people's beliefs.
My opinion of atheists got a little more warped, when I joined a forum, and was a frequent visitor of psychology and philosophy sections. Often I would mention that I was a non-believer because I didn't want my answers to be clogged up with rants that Jesus would 'come and save' me from my problems. Instead, I'd receive nasty posts from atheists, who were convinced that I 'didn't sound enough like an Atheist' and basically start attacking my 'Christian beliefs' even though I clearly stated I did not believe. Often the topic of my questions would be warped to evolve around any specific trivial belief-system I had mentioned, so that I could be personally attacked for 'not not-believing enough'.
My experience with Atheists hasn't been a very good one.
I'm hoping that the people who reply to this post will give me some hope out there that I don't have to be ashamed of not believing, just because I'm not as certain and proclaim myself to be more Agnostic at times.. I'm still searching for an answer to why most of the Atheists I have talked to seem to be so unrealistically defensive about their stance. Hopefully joining this forum will help me to meet nice atheists. I still have hope
My opinion of atheists got a little more warped, when I joined a forum, and was a frequent visitor of psychology and philosophy sections. Often I would mention that I was a non-believer because I didn't want my answers to be clogged up with rants that Jesus would 'come and save' me from my problems. Instead, I'd receive nasty posts from atheists, who were convinced that I 'didn't sound enough like an Atheist' and basically start attacking my 'Christian beliefs' even though I clearly stated I did not believe. Often the topic of my questions would be warped to evolve around any specific trivial belief-system I had mentioned, so that I could be personally attacked for 'not not-believing enough'.
My experience with Atheists hasn't been a very good one.
I'm hoping that the people who reply to this post will give me some hope out there that I don't have to be ashamed of not believing, just because I'm not as certain and proclaim myself to be more Agnostic at times.. I'm still searching for an answer to why most of the Atheists I have talked to seem to be so unrealistically defensive about their stance. Hopefully joining this forum will help me to meet nice atheists. I still have hope